2. Troubles

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Garnet had just entered the schools front gates before heading her way through the halls, every student she past awed a and expressed extreme happiness

the exact same reason people became friends with her daughters, all because her parents are heroes and work as the normal Human

She stood in front of the door to the principals office, knocking softly, a haunting tone she's made for herself while being a hero

Principal:"Come in!" she opened the door, being me with the Bakugo Family, and Her daughters and her husband

Garnet:"What is this all about?" she sat on one of the leather seats in the room, being glanced at by Mitsuki Bakugo, they were rivals when it came to fashion and Clothes designing

Principal:"You see Miss and Mr Crystal, your daughter had harmed Bakugo Katsuki in the halls in the morning before class, and on School grounds, meaning i had to inform y'all of the problem before this could escalate any further" he smiled calmly "This type of actions and performance aren't allowed on School grounds at any time of the day"

Izuku turned to Eri and Kinira, before turning to the Principal

Izuku:"And what did this Bakugo kid say to my little ones to make then act?" he glanced at Bakugo with a hidden rage

Principal:"That isn't relevant to the situation right now" His smile wavered slightly, before recomposing himself

Izuku:"A kid abuses of his classmates and sexualizes two of them, but as a result of his quirk and being a rich kid he is defended  and protected by not only the school but also his parents and some heroes, am I right?" the Principal stayed silent as he finished talking

Garnet:"We could always bring this to the court or the hero industry to resolve this the easy way" she smiled while a shadow covered her eyes

Principal:"N-No need for that Miss Crystal, we wouldn't want to disturb the Peace of the Heroes now do we?" her smiled turned sour instead of the sweet known one

Garnet:"You already did" his eyes showed a great fear, before the chair that Izuku sat at was pushed back as he stood up, his eyes glowing with anger and rage

Principal:"L-Look Mr.Crystal, we could d-drop this and e-everything will go just as accordingly, Bakugo shall be met with a s-suspension and the girls are u-unharmed, how does that sound?" he shakes in fear

Izuku:"How long?" he looked confused "How long is the suspension?"

Principal:"A-a whole two months!" he smiled nervously

Izuku looked at him with more anger

Principal:"A-and additional work while being n this suspension!" his eyes turned soft and calm

Izuku:"That's more like it" they all turned to the door

Mitsuki:"WHY WERE WE CALLED HERE THEN" she yelled at the Principal

Principal:"So i could inform you and your family about the situation" she calmed down before leaving through the door with her family

As they left, Mitsuki and Bakugo glanced at them with anger and hatred before exiting the school

Izuku:"that's one way How to deal with the pests" he smiled slightly "Well back to work I go, see all later!" he kissed them before giving them a hug and leaving shortly after

Garnet:"Girls please try not to get into trouble, were already trying to deal with the Todoroki's, with this unauthorized marriage with Kirina and and Shoto Todoroki" they nodded before being given a few bills "Get something for your selves, I'll be by the mall, come to my shop afterwards to have a small outing" she smiled before leaving

Meanwhile Izuku had gotten to UA High before entering through the entrance, being met Nezu, the Principal of the school

Nezu:"Ah Izuku. the exact person I wanted to see" he wore his new suit as he smiled

Izuku:"Seems you've visited my wife's shop" he smiled sweetly as he grabbed his suitcase from the floor

Nezu:"Oh!, How did you know?" he's smile widened as Izuku was the only person to notice his change in clothing

Izuku:" that specific one was made as a replica to my Wedding suit, such a happy day that was" he dreamingly looked on

Nezu:"And how did that go?" he was very interested as Izuku almost never talked about his past nor what brought him to become a hero or a teacher

Izuku:"it was so long ago, they were so beautiful, Red and Blue, such a view" his smile widened in happiness and love "how i would have loved to revive those moments with my wife, Heh" he chuckled 

An idea came to Nezu, he has realized izuku has been sad lately and wanted to help, ad this hint was enough to gave him a wonderful idea, he left shortly after


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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