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Lisa and Jisoo arrived at Melbourne Airport early in the morning, their flight to Seoul scheduled for later that day. The airport was already bustling with activity as travelers moved through the terminals, the hum of conversations and the occasional announcement filling the air.

As they walked through the check-in area, Lisa followed Jisoo, her eyes scanning the crowd. "Are you excited about seeing Seoul?" she asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and distraction.

Jisoo looked around with a bright smile. "Yeah, I really am. It'll be good to see the city again, and I'm excited about finding a new place for me and Jennie to live."

Lisa nodded, glancing at the large departure boards. "I hope you find something perfect for you and Jennie."

Jisoo looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You seemed a bit hesitant the other day. Are you sure you're okay about this trip?"

Lisa took a deep breath and smiled. "I'm fine. I was just feeling a little conflicted, but it's been a while since I've been to Seoul. I think it'll be good to get away for a bit."

Jisoo studied her for a moment but then shrugged. "Well, I'm glad you're coming along. It'll be nice to have some company on the trip. Especially since it's a longer trip, breaks about 4 weeks."

They approached the check-in counter, where a friendly airline staff member greeted them. "Good morning! Are you checking in for the flight to Seoul?"

"Yes, we are," Jisoo replied, handing over their passports and tickets.

The staff member processed their check-in, and they received their boarding passes and checked in their luggage. Lisa glanced at the departure time on her ticket and then at Jisoo. "We still have some time before boarding. Do you want to grab a coffee or something?"

Jisoo's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Yes, let's get some coffee. I could use a little caffeine boost."

They walked to a nearby café, where Lisa ordered a latte and Jisoo opted for a cappuccino. They found a small table by the window and sipped their drinks as they watched the planes take off and land.

"So, any specific places you want to visit while we're there?" Jisoo asked, stirring her coffee.

Lisa took a sip of her latte, trying to keep her mind off her worries. "I was thinking of revisiting some of my favorite spots. Maybe check out a few new places too."

Jisoo nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds great. We should definitely explore some new places and maybe hit up some of the markets. I'm sure there will be plenty to see."

Lisa smiled, her nerves settling slightly. "That sounds like a good plan. I'm looking forward to seeing the city again."

They finished their coffee and headed back to the departure gate, where they settled into the seats and waited for their boarding call. Lisa tried to focus on the excitement of the trip rather than the anxiety of potentially seeing Chaeyoung.

Jisoo noticed Lisa's distracted expression and decided to bring up another topic. "Have you thought about what you want to do in Seoul, aside from exploring?"

Lisa shrugged, trying to sound casual. "Not really. I think I'll just see where the trip takes us."

Jisoo smiled. "Sounds like a plan. We should make the most of our time there."

As the final boarding call was announced, Lisa and Jisoo gathered their things and made their way to the gate. Lisa took a deep breath as they joined the line for boarding, ready to embrace the new experiences that awaited them in Seoul.

On the plane, Lisa and Jisoo settled into their seats as the plane prepared for takeoff. Jisoo was clearly excited about the trip, her eyes shining as she looked out the window at the city below.

Number Twenty-Eight (Chaelisa ver.) [SEQUEL]Where stories live. Discover now