The family that battles and stays together

6 0 0

ash : I'm awake

(Sees pikachu at the window)

pikachu : pika chu

(At the scp foundation 7)

Jessie : so well we lost

James : sorry boss

scp manger : the boss giovanni Wouldn't be happy

Meowth : we know we know

Jessie : just please give us one more chance

James : we won't fail again

scp manger : fine but only once

(At the forest)

ash : pikachu use thunderbolt

pikachu : pika chuuu

(Ash sees a house)

Ash : what's a house doing in the middle of the woods

flint : stop that's my house

ash : who are you

flint : names flint yours

ash : ash ash ketchum

(Flint sends out his onix)

ash : woah what's that ball

Flint : its something oak made to tame Pokémon

ash : woah

flint : here here's six

(Ash gets six Pokeballs)

ash : pikachu want to get in

pikachu : pika pika chu

(Pikachu touches the pokeball and is sucked in)

(Then a old woman steps out of the house)

ash : who's that

flint : my mother

Grandma stuffins: look at you flint you look like your starving

flint : I'm not mom

grandma stuffins: eat eat

(Grandma stuffins stuffs mysterious meat into flint mouth)

grandma stuffins : and you little boy you must also be starving

ash : no I'm not

grandma stuffins : eat eat

( grandma stuffins shoves mysterious meat down ash mouth)

ash : it tastes so bad

flint : don't worry you will get used to it

Ash : so how did you get the pokeballs

Flint : I have some connections

Grandma stuffins : so why not come in little boy

Ash : sure I guess

Ash : hey maybe pikachu will like it

( ash throws the pokeball sending out pikachu)

pikachu : pika chuuuu

Grandma stuffins : oh so cute I just went to touch it

Flint : please excuse my mother come on

( flint opens the door)

ash : so where you've been

grandma stuffins : my son flint got these poke balls to impress someone

flint : mom

ash : hahaha

(alarm rings )

Flint : gotta get going 

grandma stuffins : good bye my dear

ash : me and pikachu are going home now

( then Jessie James and meowth show up)

meowth : get that scp

Jessie : for the boss

James : and for us not getting fired

(meowth uses fury swipes)

Ash : owww

Jessie : now James

James : why yes

(Throws a rubber net over pikachu)

James :time to get to the boss

meowth : that's right

Grandma stuffins : oh no you don't

( grandma stuffins throws a poke ball )

( a muk comes out)

Muk : mukkkk

James : is that a failed experiment

Jessie : yeah a failed one form old people lab

Meowth : meowww

grandma stuffins : muk sludge bomb

muk : mukkkk

(A sludge bomb hits Jessie James and meowth)

Jessie James and meowth : team rocket is blasting off again

ash : well goodbye now

Grandma stuffins : good bye

( ash returns home)

Ash : I'm home

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2024 ⏰

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