Ch 1

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I waited until my parents came back from their job. I was really exited, because we were going to have a delicious dinner. I maded myself. The bell rang. There was a policy standing there. I couldn't hear what he said. But I froze, I couldn't even move. That day my parents were founded dead. I couldn't hold my tears. Tears were falling from my eyes to my cheek. My parents were buried on my birthday. 'Oh poor child.', I heard an old granny saying. 'She doesn't have anyone in her family who wants to care her for her.', I heard someone else saying. Someone stroked my hair. I looked up to see who. It was an old man, I think he has The same age as my dad. He came closer to me. 'How are doing Hana?', he gave me a gentle smile. Who is this man? I just nodded. 'Do you want to live with me?', he asked me. Everyone looked at us. I just looked at him. 'W...ho ar...e y....ou?', I asked. My voice was a little bit down, because I cried to much. 'I'm a close friend of you're dad. You can call me M.Kim.', he looked at me. I could see his eyes sparkling. I nodded. 'Than that's good.', he pulled me up. The same day, I had to put everything in my luagage. After an hour we would leave my old house. I sat on the car. This mister is rich. I looked out the window. 'I hope I will like it? I have 12 sons. Be good friends with them. They are nice.', he haves sons? I didn't know. I'm now adopted by this man. We arrived at my new home. The house was really big. I looked up and down. My eyes were in shock. So this is were I'm going to live? It's nice and big. I think I will love it? I didn't even smile once after The day that my parents were founded dead. We came inside. 'Boys come downstairs!', M. Kim called the boys. We went to The living room. There were 10 boys waiting for us in the living room. 'Where is Sehun and Kai?', he asked. I saw 2 boys coming in. They looked so handsome. I looked at them. They looked cute, kind, handsome, smart, funny,... 'Guys this is a girl who is going to live with us from now on.', they all looked at me. 'Hello I'm Lee Hana. Nice to meet you.', I bowed. 'Introduce yourself.', he waited until they would introduce their self. 'Hello I'm Kim Xiumin. Call me oppa, I'm 18 years old.', he was older than me, but he has a nice smile. 'Hi I'm Kim Luhan, call me Luhan oppa.', he looked cute. 'Call me Kris oppa.', The persoon who said that to me gave me a wink. 'I'm The smartest one here. Just call me Suho oppa. I'm also 18.', they were all 18, but they didn't look as a twin or something like that. 'Yo call me Chanyeol oppa. I'm 17.', he smiled brightly. 'I am Kyungsoo. Call me Kyungsoo oppa.', he didn't smile. But he looked cute with his big eyes. 'Nice to meet you Hana. I am Lay oppa.', he smiled and you could see a dimple on his cheek. 'You can call me Chen oppa. I'm also 17 year.', he gave me a smile. They are also 17, but they are all 17 year? And they don't even look the same? 'Oh Hi...I'm Kim Tao.', he looked like a panda, cute! 'Welcome Hana-sshi. I'm Baekhyun. I'm 16.', he looked enjoyed at me. 'Hi Lee Hana. Call me Kai.', he one of the boys who came at last. I waited for the last guy who would introduce his self. But he didn't said anything. 'Sehun introduce yourself!', M. Kim was angry. 'My name is Kim Sehun.', after this ge went back to his room. 'Sorry for his rudeness.', M. Kim said. 'That's nothing.', I said. I looked at my cellphone. It was already 19 h. 'I have to go back to my work. Hana don't go to their room.', I nodded. M. Kim went away. 'I'm going to show you're room.', Kai said. He pulled my luagage and went upstairs. I followed him. He opened a door. 'This is you're room. Kyungsoo hyung is going to call for diner. If you need anything call me and enjoy yourself.' he closer the door and went away. I unpacked myself. I looked myself at The mirror. My parents are dead and I live now with a strange man called M. Kim. I pulled some clothes on and went downstairs. I saw Chen, Kyungsoo oppa in the kitchen. Baekhyun and Chanyeol oppa were watching television. 'Diner is ready.', Kyungsoo oppa screamd. I went to The table and sat on a comfortable chair. Next to me sat Baekhyun and Chanyeol oppa. There was spaghetti, it was really delicious. The last who came was Sehun. He gave me a dead glare. He sat on The oppositie of me. I saw Chanyeol playing with his food. 'You're skin is smooth.', Baekhyun came closer. 'Ah thank you.', I wanted to smile, but I tryed to hesistate. I went away to The kitchen. They are really strange! I saw Kyungsoo oppa coming in The kitchen. 'Sorry for my brothers.', he said. 'It's nothing.', I looked away, because I wanted to smile. 'Thank you.', I said and went away. I went to my room, but then I saw Sehun. I came closer. I wanted to see wat he was doing. 'Why are you here.', he looked at me. I thought I saw something red sparkling in his eyes. 'Ah sorry.', I wanted to go away, but then.....

Hey everyone!! New fanfic!! 😝😝Because I deleted my old fanfic!!! 😔😔Miannnneee for all my readers!!😓😢 but I hope u like this one??? Hope u enjoyed it!!😊☺ thanxxxx JapanxoxoKorea !!!!!Saranghaexxx 😘😘😘

Kawaii-Remi xxxxxx

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