Ch 29

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Hana POV

I putted my hand in front of my mouth. 'That's enough for today don't you think princess.' He gave me a wink and then dissapeard out of my sight.

I felt on the cough. What was wrong with me? I was slept away? Not? That dream and now this. But who is Yehuda? I went upstairs again but I couldn't sleep so I looked out of the window.

The Moon was bright and I stared at it for a while. I felt how the wind bloed my hair back. It was a cold breeze but I liked it. 'It looks like you're thinking.' I turned around and see No one. 'I am here.' Then I turned again to the direction of the window.

There he stood. That vampire baron. 'Did you miss me?' I was still transfixed. He putted his hand on my chin and putted it forwards. 'No I didn't.' I said with a tiny voice.

'What do you want?' I asked him. 'I want you.' Those familiar words. I felt my head aching. 'Hana.' He looked confused at me. What is happening. Wait could he be the Yehuda of Aphrodite's past? Another aching. I felt how my eyesight turned into black.

Yehuda Decimus POV

What is happening? I looked confused. Her hair covered her face and she looked down. Then slowly she looked up. Her hair went to the other sides.

This was not Hana. This is... 'Did you miss me?' She gave me a kind smile. The warm smile I missed for a long time. 'Y-es but you...' She gave me a hug. 'I also missed you.' Those words hearing from my lost love.

'I also missed you Aphrodite.' Those words came slowly but they came out my mouth. I hugged her back. 'You didn't change that much.' She stroked my black long hair.

'But how did you came inside the body of Hana?' I asked her. 'I am a reïncarnation. But how are you wings?' I looked down. My lost black wings never came back after they have been pulled out. 'They never came back.' I forced a smile.

'You're beautiful black wings.' She looked at me with a sad expression. 'Those monsters have to pay for it!' She said with an angry voice. 'Don't mess with devils. They are one of the most evil creatures in the underwold, Pleas just listen to me.' I laid my hand down on her cheek.

She putted her hand on the mine. 'But you're beautiful black wings. It must have hurt.' She came closer to me. I could feel her body temperature smelting with the mine. Her beautiful body that I missed. The only night that I saw her turned into a nightmare for both of us.

I wanted to let her nightmare vanish away. I kissed her collar bone. She closed her eyes. 'You can't do it with this body. It's been claimed by someone else.' She sat a bit backwards.

'Who did claime you?' I asked furious. 'This body is not mine and it has been claimed by Sehun. The lover of Hana. This is her body so we can't.' She looked a bit sad.

'Then I'l claim you again.' She shook her head. 'No this is my own fault that I have been locked up in her body. I feel sorry for her. And I already turned a vampire goddes a long time ago.' She gave me a sad smile that made my heart ach.

'I can change everything. Just leave it to me.' I tried. 'No I don't want their love been scattered into pieces because of me. I will find a way to be forever with you. Just wait a bit.' I nodded my head. 'It's time for me to go.' She gave me a passionate deep kiss and then fell on her bed.

'Don't worry I'l come back.' I whispered in her ear. I went out of the room. She is claimed by Sehun. I have to murder Sehun at any cost. Then she can be mine. I walked away with Jacob by my side.

Hana POV

What happened? I rubbed my eyes a phew times. Did I fell asleep? I couldn't remember that much but the last scène was that I saw the vampire baron. Could it be? So he was Yehuda? That guy from my dream and Aphodite's lost love.

I had a bad feeling but I just put that feeling away and ran downstairs. It was already morning 10 AM. I looked at all the delicious food on the table. It looks like a buffet. Kyungsoo oppa putted some stew beef down.

It smelled delicious. Baekhyun and Chanyeol oppa were playing PlayStation. Lay oppa was dancing in another room. Suho oppa of course in the library for data. Xiumin oppa and Luhan oppa went fishing, Kris oppa and Tao went to the mall.

Chen oppa was studying for school and Kai oppa was in the gymzaal with Sehun. Practicing judo and making their fight skills better. Suddenly something came inside my mind. I need blood. I gulped a phew times.

Blood? It looks like Aphrodite is thirsty. 'Kyungsoo oppa you know were you all drink blood? He looked confused at me. 'There is some in the fridge. It's better to drink one pack. To much could you make hunt humans.'

I looked shocked. Not to much. I don't want to hunt human and suck out every tiny blood of the human flesh. I went slowly to the fridge. There were so much sacs! I gulped trice. Then took one of the packs.

Inside my it was burning. Butning from the thrist. I drank it as fast as I could. It's so delicious!! I gulped quiklier. I felt how much lust I had. It was only getting bigger. After drinking one. I wiped the blood out of my mouth corners.

I was getting nervous. Inside me it only wanted more blood. I wanted to shuffle away but my legs were frozen. I couldn't move. What am I going to do now?

Hey everyone! Sorry if I didn't updated it quikly enough! But today! Even though I said I will only update every friday. Sorry! And forgive me pleaz! But here is the new ch! Please check out my book "Lost Snow White" i am participating in the JustWriteIt contest. So please support me and take a look at my book. Hope u like it and keep reading.

Kawaii desū Xxx

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