Chapter 4: Darkness

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Arthur considered his options, the weight of the unfairness pressing down on him.

"Clan-less" seemed like a bleak prospect, offering no special abilities or starting bonuses. With disappointment, he navigated back to that final option. The description was appalling.

Zero ryō, orphan status, average chakra reserves—it was a slap in the face compared to the advantages the other clans provided. Plus, the player wouldn't start out in the Leaf Village. No wonder it was the only option left.

Amidst the bleakness, there was a pro: Player's support techniques are easier to learn.

Such techniques are commonly classified as buffing allies, laying traps, or intel gathering. Maybe, just maybe, this particular character wouldn't be a complete letdown.

Arthur wasn't one to give up easily. He wouldn't let this virtual world break him. Instead, he'd turn it into an opportunity.

With a finger, he minimized the clan selection menu. He then navigated back to the information that explained Naruto's story. This time, he read it with a renewed focus, not on the plot itself but on the details—the hidden training methods, the forgotten jutsu, the unexpected power-ups.

He searched for loopholes—for those moments when the underdog triumphed and ingenuity overtook brute force. He also explored every side character, every forgotten technique, and every seemingly insignificant detail.

Hours—or perhaps it felt like hours—melted away as he delved into the narrative. If there was a way to overcome his limitations, it would be hidden somewhere within the story—somewhere the developers neglected.

Finally, with a satisfied sigh, he closed the information window. He wasn't going in blind anymore. He had a plan, a strategy. Maybe not a perfect one, but it was his.

With a newfound determination, he pressed back on the character selection menu and confirmed his choice: "Clan-less."

The world dissolved once more in a swirling vortex of white light. The disorientation was familiar this time, but the anticipation was sharper.

When it solidified, Arthur found himself standing not on a bustling village street but in the heart of a dense, emerald forest. Sunlight filtered through the thick canopy, casting shadows on the grassy floor. The sound of unseen chirping birds could be heard.

He was alone—a single figure in a vast, indifferent wilderness.

No welcoming NPCs, no starting village—just him and the clothes on his back. This was part of the challenge, part of the test; this was his starting point.

Relaxing himself, he surveyed his surroundings. Nothing could be seen; everything looked and felt real. So, with determined eyes, he stepped forward, leaving the safety of the trees behind him.

Arthur walked steadily through the undergrowth.

He marveled at the lightness of his body. Each step felt effortless; his limbs were propelled by a newfound strength and agility.

This was the effect of chakra, the life force that fueled every jutsu, every extraordinary feat performed by the ninjas of this world. Even without a prestigious clan lineage, he could feel the faint thrum of chakra within him. It was like a pool of water or a wellspring waiting to be tapped.

In this world, children, like Kakashi Hatake, were strong enough to graduate from the academy for ninjas as early as five. Back in his world, children that young were barely learning their ABCs.

The implications were staggering. Prodigies like Kakashi, barely out of diapers, had already perfected the fundamentals of ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu—the three pillars of ninja combat.

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