Waiting For Him

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"Are you sure you have to leave?" His one hand grasped her milky white hand, and his other rested on her cheek, at the base of her neck. He had taken her by the hand and led her deep into the forest to their hidden favorite spot with the prospect of announcing her his departure.

Elsa was opposed to his plan to leave France, especially since their relationship was going well. Elsa's younger sister would also go to study abroad, leaving Elsa in the lurch.

"Elsa, I can't break my vow to my father. You are aware of this!" Despite her dissatisfaction, she couldn't help but smile when she felt Hans' nose nuzzle against hers.

Despite their proximity, Hans did not try to use the opportunity to kiss her. Normally, Elsa would protest against his lips before melting into his arms. She couldn't help but frown when she heard this. He had a habit of being gentlemanly at inopportune times.

"Can't one of your brothers go instead of you?" He couldn't stop himself from laughing out loud at her remark. Her determination could only imply one thing. It validated her feelings for him. And with that thought, he was prepared to plunge into the depths of damnation. He'd do everything for just one smile of hers.

"They can't compare to me." Elsa slapped him on the arm in a playful manner because of his confident smile that accompanied his response.

"You're good enough for me!" His green eyes widened at her words, and his heart pounded violently inside her chest. He didn't want to leave her behind but knew he had no other choice but to obey his father's orders.

"Are you aware that I adore you?" She raised her eyes to meet his beautiful green gaze. She would not have believed it if someone had told her in the past that she would find real love. Anna had never lost confidence in love since she was a child, and Elsa made fun of her for it. She had finally discovered what love looked like, a pair of gorgeous eyes staring back at her.

Her senses were piqued by his exquisite aroma. The words she was supposed to react with were trapped in her throat. She couldn't help but nod. His gaze lingered on her lovely features, and he wished he could stay in this state forever. Before he reached out to take a strand of hair in between his fingers, her gorgeous lips drew his attention once again.

"Are you willing to wait for me?" She was taken aback by his question. Why did he feel compelled to ask her that question? Didn't he realize she'd be loyal to him for the rest of her life? Hans let out a long sigh. He was aware of her current thoughts. He could read her like a book. Hans was an expert when it came to Elsa.

"Elsa, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I understand how men think. When it comes to aspiring ladies like you, they will go to any length to acquire your confidence and affection. I'm well aware that I have no legal authority to ask that of you. I would never make you do anything against your will. I merely want your happiness."

"And what about yours?" She asked a question that astonished him, too. He was aware that Elsa was unsure. God alone knew how long he would be gone. And he had to remove all dread and thoughts from her mind if he truly loved her, which he did.

"My happiness?! The answer is quite simple. My happiness resides in your arms!" He replied before pulling her into his arms.

Elsa was so thrilled at that very time that she was unable to express it. He was in love with her. The greatest present she would ever receive was that.

"Please return shortly. Otherwise..." At that, Hans arched an eyebrow.

"Or else what?!" He gave her a downcast gaze.

"I'll come wherever you are and drag you back here."

This time, Hans and Elsa both laughed more, and this continued for several minutes. They would always remember that unique time.

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