Chapter Six: Watch the Throne

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Training camp will officially start in five minutes, and surprisingly, my new teammates haven't jumped me yet. I had expected at least one person to have a negative attitude, but everyone has been pretty relaxed so far. Well, as relaxed as they can be. The beginning of a WPBA season is brutal if you're not considered indispensable. There are fifteen spots on the roster and currently eighteen players on the team. Three unfortunate souls won't survive the final cut. A fresh-faced rookie, ecstatic about joining the league, might never make it to their first game. It's ruthless, but that's how it goes when you aspire to play with the best.

Coach Zu, the dreadlocked assassin and one of my top three favorite basketball players of all time, stands in the center of the court, going over her clipboard. It still amazes me that she's my coach. Only one person has come close to beating her presumed unbeatable records, and that individual is scowling, standing next to her.

Naaliq scans the gym, her nostrils flaring. I wonder what's bothering her now. Earlier, during our impromptu one-on-one duel, I had her huffing and puffing when I crossed her over. My stutter hesitation move almost made her touch earth.

Her pitiful excuse was, "I lost my footing because the damn floor is so slippery."

"Nah, I just caught you slipping," I corrected, flashing a grin.

Naaliq matches my competitive drive and confidence. The key contrast between us is that I'm more inclined to talk shit. Win or lose, my opponent has unlimited access to AZIYA FM radio. Conversely, Naaliq prefers to glare and snarl at her opponents menacingly. Her murderous, silent gaze strikes fear in the hearts of most players, but I must admit, I find it quite sexy. And when I am able to best her, transmuting her fierce inner dawg into an irritated puppy, it's truly adorable.

Coach Zu claps her hands. Chatter and dribbling basketballs stop on her command. "Alright, it's 7 AM!" Her exclamation echoes through the gym, hefty with authority. "Vacation's over! All players to the center of the court!"

I huddle with my teammates, forming a semi-circle around Naaliq and Coach Zu, who stand tall like a fearless leader and a trusty sage. Looking over everyone, Naaliq's narrowed eyes suggest she's searching for something or someone.

Kam, my new backcourt buddy, catches on to her homie's weird squinting. The shooting guard looks around, as confused as me. Nudging Kam's tattooed elbow with mine, I whisper, "Why does she look like she's about to murder somebody?"

Kam exhales as if some shit's about to unfold. "Because she is. Somebody's missing."

"Welcome to the 2024 season," Coach Zu announces, pressing her clipboard against her midsection. "It's great to see so many familiar faces. Last season was a dumpster fire for multiple reasons. But I have faith in this team, and so does the front office. Our biggest move this offseason was upgrading our starting point guard. Everyone, please welcome our new superstar, Aziya Jacsaint."

Applause erupts. Naaliq doesn't lift a finger to clap. The way she's glaring at Coach Zu, you'd think Coach had called her a "pussy ass hoe." The faintest smirk tickles Coach Zu's lips. "The Kelpies have two superstars now," she clarifies. Naaliq's features soften, but only by a smidgen. "Regardless of status, everyone who makes this team is equally important. It's imperative that–"

Clank! Double doors open on the right, and a disheveled rookie wearing mismatched neon-colored sneakers burst through them. A pink bonnet, a wrinkly t-shirt, and greasy, stained gray sweatpants drape her body. Did she roll out of bed and come straight to the gym?

As she rushes to join our huddle, her shoes scuffle against the court. No one says a word, but the intense stares speak volumes. Players shoot glares at one another, silently conveying their intrigue. The team staff watches on the sidelines, their expressions showing annoyance yet no surprise. Despite the unblinking glares from Coach Zu and Naaliq, the young, dark-skinned girl holds her head high, refusing to be intimidated. On a positive note, if this rookie doesn't make the team, she has a promising career waiting for her in modeling.

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