Chapter 4. Adrian

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I wake up to the light coming in through a crack in my curtains. Despite what I have done to get them to close, that little stream of light dances across my bedspread every morning. I have been meaning to buy new curtains but other things have come up.

I roll over, checking my phone. The phone screen is blurry without my glasses but I am only looking for one name. There are a few texts however my brother has not texted me so I lock my phone, staring up at the ceiling fan. It spins continuously, performing its one task.

My phone vibrates, an alarm going off. I sigh, turning it off before standing up. My body creaks, protesting the movement. Ever since I turned 25 and my frontal lobe fully developed, allegedly, I felt older. The reckless and invincibility I used to feel somehow has slipped away. Still, I know I am in my prime years and intend to make the best of them. I put my glasses on, grabbing my phone as I walk to the bathroom. I do what I need to before washing my face and shaving. Then, I do my skincare routine before applying sunscreen and brush my teeth.

I scrub deodorant under my arms, washing my hands before putting my contacts in. I answer a few texts, smiling at the text Sydney sends me of her and her dog at the dog park. She knows I will not answer her texts that do not concern me, but I do enjoy seeing moments of her day. She is in her senior year, paying her final year on her own because her grandmother passed suddenly, leaving her with no inheritance.

Returning to my room, I fold the fluff the pillows before adjusting the blankets on my bed. A made bed means you accomplished at least one thing in your day, my mother says as I pull the side down to eliminate any wrinkles in the fabric.

I leave my room, going into the kitchen. The apartment is a small two-bedroom downtown, allowing me to return from business at any hour. I rarely have guests over and never come back the same way twice, but my routine inside the four walls remains the same. I open my fridge, taking out the cold bottle of water I prepped last night. Above the fridge, I take out my pre-workout and spoon a cup into the water before shaking it expertly.

In the living room, the TV reads off the morning news.

"Thank you for joining us this Saturday morning at WTB News," Anna Norton smiles into the camera. "Our weather today is a high of 76 with a low of 55 tonight. Expect some gusty winds from the west that should subsite around mid-afternoon. In national news, the President is visiting the Europe to watch the Princess of Romania on her tournament. The DOW is up 36 points today and the NASDAQ is up 54 points." Anna glances down at her notes, swallowing once as she looks back up at the camera. "In local news, Draven Rossi, from the Rossi crime family, has made several appearances at local sporting events, including the Verna Junior Football League, donating nearly $10,000 dollars for new uniforms this season. Pictured here," She pauses as a picture of Leonardo, Sophia, Draven, Ryker, Fletcher and Aria pops up on the screen. They are all dressed to the nines, Aria smiling up at her brother, Draven, holding his hand tightly. "The Rossi family attends the film festival, along with other Hollywood elite, including-"

I tune her out as more pictures of celebrities flash on the screen. I drink the pre-workout, waiting for the tingle in my fingers to start before I go on my run. I am aimlessly scrolling through the recent pictures Sydney sent me when I hear Dante's name. "Known mafia member, Dante Hernandez, has been been released on good behavior after nearly a two month stint in the Verna County jail for a drug charge." Pictures of Dante's release flash on the screen, then an interview with the arresting officer. I make a mental note of his name before finishing the water bottle. The bottom is still slightly grainy, despite my shaking it previously.

"Luca Vanicotta has issued a warning to citizens about interfering with his business and the The VPD recommends citizens to adhere to the curfew of 9 PM on week days and 11 PM on weekends..." Anna trails off, swallowing again as she looks at the camera as if my brother will come through the camera himself. She has truly made a name for herself and gotten out of the life. "The VFD rescued two kittens-" I turn it off, doing some light stretching before walking to the front door.

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