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The long hours passed into even longer days, the days becoming unending weeks. They were not allowed any breaks while down in the mines, but there were times when the task master that was assigned to their section had drunk himself to stupor. They all took the opportunity to rest or eat what little food they had managed to smuggle in from their meager daily allowance during these instances. It was on one of these breaks, a couple of weeks after Adair had shown up, that the Goblin who had helped the king when he first arrived came over and began to converse with him.
"I know who you are," he said between mouthfuls of stale bread, the chains upon his manacled wrists jangling. "You were the King of Kael." Adair looked up at him. The Goblin was several inches shorter than he, and was an olive green color. His tangled brown hair reached his shoulders. There were multiple cuts and bruises upon his face, and several healed over scars. It looked as if the Goblin had encounters with the task master's fists and prod himself.
"Aye," Adair nodded slowly, "that I am."

    "No, you aren't. You were the king ... there are no more Kings and Queens, no more kingdoms. There is only the Varanthians and their wave of destruction. Now you are just another Kaelian trapped in these abysmal mines."

    Adair cast his eyes downward. The Goblin seemed to realize what effect his words had, and he reached out a small piece of moldy bread to Adair. He took it and thanked the Goblin.

    "I'm sorry," the Goblin said, "I didn't mean anything towards you personally. It's hard not to become a bitter man down here." Adair nodded, gaze still downcast. "My name is Vlor, the other one of us you met was Gleek, and there is Sheela over there." Adair's eyes widened at the name, and he looked up. He had not noticed there was a female amongst their group, so worse for wear they all were. Vlor seemed to smile a little at that, albeit sadly, his small, pointed teeth showing. "Aye, none of us spared by those dogs. Have you seen the children yet? There are groups of them in all the mines, the older ones digging for ore, the younger sweeping up the rubble."

    Adair was reminded of the young lad he had comforted on the ship, and wondered what had become of him. Surely he wasn't slaving away in a hellish place like this.

    The young lad had reminded Adair of his younger brother, Anlon. Anlon would always rush up to Adair when he had returned from his lessons with Garth, eager to hear what his older brother had learned, and what stories he had heard that day. It made Adair sad to realize that he never even learned the boy's name. He promised himself he'd keep an eye out for the lad, hoping he was alright.

    "Vlor," Adair began, "I have to look for someone. Have you seen a young Kaelian boy, perhaps of ten, who came here about the time I did?"

    Vlor put his hand to his chin, his fingers running along a scar there. He was trying to remember. "I have seen so many come and go, but a Kaelian lad does not come to mind."

    "I need to find him, to make sure he is safe."

    "Perhaps he is in one of the other mines? I shall ask my friend from the Northern Mine to keep an eye out, and to let me know if he sees anyone matching your lad's description."

    "This place is so vast, so unknown. He could be anywhere. We must - "

    "Having a nice little chat, then?" Gleek hissed from over Adair's shoulder. "Getting to know each other, eh? You know, it's your fault we are in this position, you and your people. Goblins never would have trusted Seth in the first place. We would have seen through his treacherous ways. Yet you invited evil in, and doomed us all."

    Vlor sighed, "And yet, here we are regardless. It is no ones' fault but the Empire's," Vlor said, glancing over at Adair.

    "The mighty Kaelians, look what good it did you. All your gold and riches, your castles and storehouses ... look where it's gotten you. You and your people brought this evil upon us, and it is the rest of us who are left that have to pay the price. The mighty Kaelians, the mighty Adair Delphicai-"

The First Goblin KingWhere stories live. Discover now