01 - be our dad for once.

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———————————————————————➤ be our dad for once

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be our dad for once.
season 1 episode 1
chapter song: the cut that always
bleeds by Conan gray

——— SILVERWARE CLINK against plates at the Walker table, an almost full table once again. it'll never be full without her mom. also stella is missing, and Jayda assumes she's just off with a friend per usual. she's been really distant since her mom died. Jayda fully understands why though, everyone has their own way of dealing with it. Stella's being hanging out with her friends or having alone time, augusts way is staying silent and acting like everything fine when everyone can see right through the character he puts on.

Jayda's way probably isn't the most healthy, no one in the family thinks it is. Whenever someone brings up the topic of her mom she just starts a new conversation, she avoids the mention of her mother at all costs, and after the mention of her, later that night or day she would go out of the house and let out all of her emotions alone, all by herself.

She bottles up her emotions, and overtime the bottle cracks until eventually it just breaks and she can't take it anymore.

It had been 11 and a half months since the passing of her mom was rained down onto the walkers family. Even though the time goes on, the family still and will always miss Emily. Jayda continues to be in denial of her mom being gone even after the many months. She believes that her mom is just on a vacation of some sort and will be back anytime soon, or at least that's what she tells herself. She can't come to the point where she accepts the fact that her mom is gone.

A sense of tension bounces off the walls in the dining room as they're all eating. The family has never been the same since Emily died, and Jayda, stella, and augusts dad went on a 'case'. That's what he said he was doing and that's why he was gone for so long, but how come their dad has been gone for 11 months. Yes people may need some time to theirselves after a family member passing but what his children needed after her dying was their dad. They needed their dad to be there for them and help them get through the hard times. They needed their dad so badly that him leaving just added more pain onto their shoulders.

Jayda hears the front door open and close, the sound of boots patter on the wood floors as the sight of her dad fills her eyes. "Caught up at work, don't wait up." Her dad speaks as he rushes into his seat.

"Never do." Mawline replies as she raises her eyebrows annoyed.

Jayda sits frozen as her eyes are glued to her father, completely zoning out as memories of her as a child while she sits alongside her mother and father flash before her like a slideshow.

"Where's uh— where's stella?"

"Well she prepared to meet you last night at your homecoming but you failed to show."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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