Why you gotta be so mean?

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Lover POV:

Today is my second day at my new school, and I'm starting to question if it's quite as good as I'd hoped it would be.

I went to my locker and saw debut and midnights already standing there waiting for me.

Lover: hey girls!

Debut: hi lover!

Lover: what's up?

Midnights: well... debut here was just talking about this girl named beautiful eyes and-

Debut interrupted midnights

Debut: SHUT UP MIDNIGHTS! you promised you wouldn't say anything remember?

Lover: who's beautiful eyes?

Debut: NO ONE!

Lover: okay...

Debut: look out, the popular girls are coming.

Lover: popular girls?

Debut: yeah, red and 1989. They're the worst.

Midnights: they're not THAT bad...

Debut: you just say that because you're in love with 1989

Midnights: AM NOT! We hate each other remember?

I listened to midnights and debut's arguing, until I saw 2 girls walk up to us.

1989: oh look, it's midnights. I see you're clinging to the new girl because you have no other friends.

Debut: HEY! What am I? A roach?

Red: yeah.


Midnights: debut calm down.

1989:maybe tell your little friend to keep her anger issues under control.

Lover: hey, guys, we shouldn't fight.

Red: why would you want to be friends with THEM? They're losers.

Lover: don't call them that!

Red: whatever.

Red and 1989 both walked away.

Then just in time, the bell rang, and I started walking to class.


Reputations POV:

I watched as lover walked into class and sat down next to me again.

Teacher: hello class! Today we will be doing a group project. And I will be choosing your partners.

The whole class seemed disappointed by that.

Teacher: okay, I choose to be partners.. debut and folklore, speak now and evermore, fearless and red, 1989 and midnights, and lover and reputation. Now start getting to work

Ugh, seriously? I have to be partner with lover? Great. Just great.

Lover: uhh, so whose house should we do the project at?

Rep: uhh can we just do it at yours?

Lover: okay that's fine for me!

Later that day, I arrived at lovers house.
Stupid project, stupid teacher. Why would she pick lover out of all people? She's SO annoying.

I knocked on lovers door.

She answered the door

Lover: oh, hi reputation!

I went inside of her house. Her house was actually really nice.

Lover: i made cookies! Here.

I took a cookie and ate it. Lover may be annoying but dang she can make really good cookies.

Lover: so, should we get started?

Rep: uh, sure.

Lover started to write something down on a piece of paper. Now looking at her, she's actually kinda pretty..

NO. I cant think like that. Ugh...

Lover: you alright?

Rep: uh, yeah im fine.

Lover: okay, well look what I've written down so far.

Rep: okay.


Midnights POV:

WHY?!? I have to do this STUPID project with 1989 out of all people.

1989 knocked on my door, and i answered.

1989: uhh, hey.

Midnights: hi.

She came inside

Midnights: should we get started?

1989: what do we even have to do?

Midnights: well the teacher said we have to do some kind of essay... (mumbling) maybe you'd know that if you were listening...

1989: what did you say?!

Midnights: nothing. Now, let's get started.

I started to write something down when my mom came into the room.

Midnights mom: hello!

Midnights: hi mom.

Midnights mom: who's this? Is she your girlfriend or something?

Midnights: (blushing a little) NO. She's just my classmate 1989. Shes just here for this project thingy.

Midnights mom: okay. Well, i have to go to work. Bye!

Midnights: bye mom!

She grabbed her purse and went out the door.

Midnights: ugh... sorry about her.

1989: it's fine. Now, are you gonna help me with this project or what?

Midnights: alright..


End of part 2

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