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~DYANA HUMMED to the queen as she poured more hot water into the tub the blood coming off her body. "Your grace?" Dyana asked and Aemma turned to her and smiled.

"What is it?" Aemma questioned her and Dyana picked up a scrub and began to clean off her hands.

"I overheard the king discussing someone going to kill your mother." Dyana told her and Aemma turned to her looking confused.

"Dyana please go get my riding clothes ready." Aemma said gently taking the sponge out of her hand.

"But your grace-"

"Now Dyana I need to go to Dragonstone." Aemma said finishing cleaning the blood on her body. Dyana quickly ran around the chamber putting together all of her riding clothes as Aemma stepped out a placed a towel around her body.

Dyana started to dress her with her undergarments quickly as Aemma requested. "I need you to tell no one I left." Aemma told her and Dyana nodded as she helped her dress.

"Your grace are you sure what would happen if Daemon happened upon you?" Dyana asked scared before Aemma turned around and grabbed her face.

"I need to go protect my mother." Aemma smiled at her before pulling her into a hug. "Promise me if I do not return that you will tell my children every night I love them."

"I promise your grace." Dyana said and Aemma nodded before pulling a hood and jacket over her face and body, but before she left, she grabbed gold from the table.

She moved her plant over slightly before leaving through the tunnels practically running out of the castle, but she slowed down as she walked past the guards. The towns people didn't even give her a second glance as she just looked like a normal person.

She looked at the horses who were carrying apples alongside a human and Aemma tapped the man on the shoulder as he continued to walk. "What do you want boy."

"I want one of your horses." Aemma said and the man laughed in her face until she lowered the hood a little bit and the man immediately bowed.

"Your grace I am sorry." The man said and Aemma smiled before she put her hood back on.

"No worries. I have gold that can cover for this." Aemma said holding up the bag and the man pulled the horse off and gave the queen the reigns.

"Here your grace." The man said and Aemma handed the bag of gold to him before getting onto the horse. "Please forgive me for laughing in your face."

"Do not worry just please do not tell anyone I left." Aemma said and the man nodded before Aemma gave the horse a little kick letting the horse know to walk, but Aemma hit the reigns and the horse started running scaring the smallfolks.

The horse ran through the streets and when Aemma saw the dragon pit she pulled the reigns and the horse stopped allowing Aemma to get off. Aemma faced the guards who smiled before allowing her to enter.

Enchanted: A. TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now