Don't talk to me like that.

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Alexander POV:

"WHAT THE HELL GIOVANNI, WHY DID SHE PASS OUT" Xander yelled at Gio. I looked at him with a death stare making him gulp in fear. He knows better than to yell at anyone in this family, especially his elder brother.

"Don't talk to me like that, she passed out from blood loss. But she will wake up in about 5 minutes. She just needs to rest, once she wakes up, she will feel really shitty but be fine." Gio said making every one including me nod and Xander look down embarrassed.

Gio bandaged her foot up and stopped the bleeding. While Enzo still held her on his lap with her head on his chest. Sandro was holding her hand rubbing small circles on her palm.

I knew that Mia would make this family happier and more loving, but I didn't expect Alessandro to have a liking to her so quickly. Alessandro is like me, we don't tolerate shit. We are probably the scariest out of the whole family other than dad. But when it comes to family, we have a soft side.

"She will need help walking, I am surprised that the glass got that deep into the foot. She shouldn't walk for a day." Gio says looking at everyone sternly.

"If she needs to go somewhere, carry her and help her out boys." My dad says looking at Xander sternly. We all know he loves her, but he won't admit it.

Five minutes pass and we are all sitting in chairs in the medical room waiting for her to wake up. Some are on their phones, while others are zoning out. I am currently looking at my phone, when Matteo speaks up.

"I am concerned, I was watching Mia and she had a good grip on the glass. But then her eyes widened like she thought of something, and dropped the glass" Matteo said looking at Mia. Matteo has always been the observant and quiet one. He notices a lot more than most of the people in this family.

"Did something happen at the mall?" Dad asks, looking at the three younger ones.

"No, she was with us the whole time, other than when she went to the bathroom. But she was only gone for four minutes at the most." Xavier says looking at me, I nod and rub my temple.

"Let's wait and see what she says." Lorenzo says.

A couple minutes later we hear soft groaning. I look over and see Mia stirring, Gio stands up and walks over and stands near the bed. Enzo runs his fingers through her hair, she groans a bit more. She slowly opens her eyes and shuts them again quickly. She blinks a couple of times and opens her eyes fully. She looks around confused.

"What happened?" She asks. We all look at each other concerned and confused.

"Do you not remember?" Alessandro asks. She looks at him and furrows her eyebrows together making all of our eyes soften a bit. After a couple of seconds, she makes an o shape with her mouth and looks at her foot.

"I'm sorry, I was so clumsy I wasn't thinking. I can pay for the cup, and I am so sorry ple..." Her ranting is cut off by dad.

"Bambina don't apologize, mistakes happen. Don't worry about the cup, I am more concerned about your foot. And please don't feel bad, we all love you so much." My dad says smiling at her, his eyes dripping with adoration.

"Thank you, and my foot will be fine. I have been through worse." Her eyes widen at what she said, and makes all of us sit up straight.

"What the fuck do you mean?" Xander says.

"Do not talk to your sister like that, if you can't control your emotions than leave, the door is right there." I say with coldness in my voice. Xander doesn't back down, and only gets angrier.

"NO, SHE IS CLEARLY HIDING SOMETHING. CAN'T YOU ALL SEE THAT?" Xander yells, making Mia start to breath heavily and Gio look at me silently begging me to make Xander leave.


At this point Mia is hyperventilating while Enzo and Sandro try to calm her down. Gio looks concerned for her, he takes Xander by the arm and puts him outside the door and closes it.

"If anyone else wants to leave please do. Mia has lost a lot of blood and her body is trying to get that blood back. Stressing her out will only make the situation worse." Gio says with a cold face on that I only see when he is really angry. Since he doesn't do mafia work like me and Sandro, he doesn't have a cold front up often.

Mia starts to breathe heavier and scratch her throat, Gio looks at her and sighs. He walks over to a cabinet and gets a needle. He fills it up with some sort of liquid and walks toward Mia.

Mia backs more into Lorenzo with fear in her eyes. My heart breaks at the sight but I know what he is doing. She isn't able to get air, he has to sedate her in order for her body to calm down and get oxygen so she can get her blood back.

"No no no please" She says, with so much fear in her voice and tears dripping down her face.

"Forgive me princess." Gio says softly with so much sadness in his eyes. Mia shakes her head and backs into Enzo more if that is even possible. Enzo holds her still and Gio grabs her arm and injects the needle into her. Her breathing slowly calms down and she goes limp in Enzo's arms.

"Enzo, carry Mia to her room and let her rest. How long should she be out Gio?" Dad says.

"About two hours" Gio says.

"Alright well go back to what you all were doing, and check in on her every once in a while. Once dinner is ready in about two hours someone will need to carry her to the table" Dad says.

We all nod, Enzo grabs her in his arms and carries her to the room. I walk in front of him and open the door for him. He goes to the second level of her room, and sets her down on the bed. I walk over and brush the hair out of her face and kiss her forehead.

"Sleep tight tesoro"

Hope you liked Alexanders POV :)


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