08 x brüderschaft (!)

37 1 9

‼️ a little hot smut caution ;)

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y/n pov:

"uh we were walking and talking for like, 3 hours straight", i was talking out of breath while sitting on a bench: "i could talk to you for all night, but i don't think my legs can take it anymore" – i laughed and stretched my body.

"i know where we can spend the whole night" – billie smirked "...talking to each other" – she bit her lip.

i grinned and looked away: "sure", i looked up straight to her eyes: "im in."

as we came back to the car, billie opened the door for me and i got into it with words:
"merci" (french – thank you)

when she got into the car, we were silent for about a minute and there was some kind of sexual tension between us. billie were squizing the wheel and biting her lips constantly looking at me.

she muttered a long "daamn" and abruptly started the engine. so abruptly that it was as if she had thought about something and made some serious decision.

"where we going?" – i broke the silence, "i'll keep you busy all night at my place, just like you wanted", she grinned, put her hand on my knee and turning to me said: "we're gonna talkin, baby, for aaaall niight" – she sped up the ride.

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billie's pov:

we drove up to my house and I parked the car. "you're welcome, missis.. uh, sorry.."

"y/l/n. mrs. y/l/n" – she said as we walked up the path, the night air cool and crisp. i unlocked the door and pushed it open, gesturing for her to enter. "after you" – i said, trying to keep my voice steady.

she stepped inside, looking around with curiosity. "nice place" – she remarked, turning to me with a smile."thanks" i said, closing the door behind us. "make yourself at home"

she wandered into the living room, glancing at the photos on the wall. "is that you?" – she pointed to a picture of me as a kid, grinning with a missing tooth.

"yeah" i laughed, "that was a long time ago."
she turned to me, her eyes softening. "you haven't changed much"

we stood there, the room filled with a comfortable silence. i took a deep breath, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "want something to drink?" – i asked, heading towards the kitchen."sure, surprise me" – she replied, following me.

i opened the fridge, "so, you said you drink alcohol", pulling out a bottle of wine: "how about this?" – i held it up.

"um, one glass and that's it, i'm really tired for more, sorry" – she said.
"sure" – i poured us each a glass, handing one to her, "brotherhood-drinking?" – i offered smirking.

i've always wanted to try it. I wonder if she knows the EXACT rules of the tradition.

"yeah, why not?" – i smiled and we drank a glass of the wine, with our arms intertwined at the elbows. we laughed right after that.

i came closer and tucked her stray lock of hair behind her ear: "lovely, did you know that they usually kiss after that?"

"oh" – she giggled nervously, but put her glass on the table anyway, "n-no, i didn't"
i put my glass on the kitchen island, biting my lips. i took a light step towards her, she reached out to me, not hesitating to look at my lips.

i gently took her chin, lifted her head a little higher so that our eyes were on the same level, i lowered my gaze for a moment, lightly ran my thumb over her lower lip and returned to her eyes.

at first, i barely touched her soft lips, and then i began to press against them more and more until our tongues came into play. she pulled back for a moment to make a soft joke: "are you sure they're kissing like that?" – she smied and made me do the same, i whispered giggling: "shut up" and we returned to the kiss, i gently took her by both legs and lifted her up, thereby placing her on the kitchen island, without interrupting our kiss.

she wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me closer. the intensity of the kiss deepened, and i could feel the heat radiating between us. my hands explored her back, finding the curves and lines that made her shiver under my touch.

"billie" – she interrupted us, "this fragrance is from you again, tell me what perfume is it?", she leaned down to my neck to sniff it again, "oh", rolled her eyes from magnificent smell for a moment and whispered: "im dying"

"wanna talk about it right now?" – i giggled with a little shortness of breath, "alright", i moved closer to her ear and said, imitating french accent, in half voice: "this is a perfúme from my collectión, darling"

she barely pushed me away with her hands and began to cover my neck with kisses, after a soft but sweet moan, y/n got back to my lips.

her hands found their way to my hair, fingers tangling as she pulled me even closer. the taste of wine lingered on our tongues, adding to the intoxicating mix of sensations. i broke the kiss, panting slightly, resting my forehead against hers.

"you know" i murmured, "i think we might be rewriting the rules a bit", she laughed softly, her breath warm against my lips
"i'm okay with that" – i replied smirking.

we stayed like that for a moment, just holding each other, the kitchen island grounding us in reality. the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of us in this perfect bubble of connection.

"i could stay here all night" – y/n whispered."i'd love too" – i replied. this was more than just a kiss, it was something i didn't want to let go of.

we eventually made our way to the couch, curling up together and talking until the sun rised. the promise of more nights like this hung in the air, a silent agreement between us. and as we drifted off to sleep, tangled in each other's arms, i knew this was just the beginning of our story.

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// it was so good i can even feel it inside me. if you want more of this, i would love to read it in the comments. thanks for reading!

1061 word of a masterpiece

eat me hard and soft (gxg) billie eilish x readerWhere stories live. Discover now