Chapter 1 - Stormy

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Thank you so mutch for reading this! English is my 3rd language so I apologize for possible grammar mistakes ...I am NOT a professional author!! (But I'm an IB student) Yea and copyrights go to @Freiwynn so...
Enjoy! ♡


Stormy's POV

I saw that dream again. I was in the meadow. It was a sunny day, birds were singing and the lake sparkled like thousands of diamonds.

I was not alone.

There were three others too. They all seemed to be in my age, one girl and two boys. I was not able to see their faces. But they were always there. The same three. Never changeing.

And the voice.

"I have summon you, children of the Old Ones. The Ones with great powers. You will be The Circle, The Blessed Ones. Fire, Water, Earth and Air will be inside you, you will have the powers of The Ones. Amulets will be given. The Guard will find you. You will unite as One."

The whole place was now filled with light. I could barely see anything. And then I heard the voice once again.

"Kimmel, Son of Water, that element I will give you. Sapphire, the stone. It will call you in the time of need. You will be the leader of The New Ones. Summon your group. You will find them when they are ready. Learn. Learn fast. You have the power of Minds. Read them. Control them. Be Strong my Son."

In one strong light I finally saw him. The most gorgeous boy I had ever seen. Muscular, with blond hair and ocean-blue eyes. And he looked right into my eyes.

Then he was gone.

"Amethyste, Daughter of Air, that element I will give you. Diamond the stone. It will call you in the time of need. You will have the power of controlling materia. Learn. Learn fast. Wood and metal will follow your wiches. Such as dreams, you will be able to create. You will be the One of Finding Ways. Now, go my Daughter, and Be Strong."

This time I saw a girl with black hair and violet eyes. Her whole face was covered in tattoos. She smiled shyly as she disappeared in the light.

The Voice turned to the second boy.

"Edward, Son of Earth, that element I will give you. Smaragd the stone. It will call you in the time of need. Power of Talking will be given to you. You can speak to everything and anyone in order of peace. You will also get stronger physical than any human in the world. Learn. Learn fast. You will be the One to connect Four. Be Strong. You will need your strenght, my Son."

A boy with brown hair disappeared without a second look.

Now there were only me and the voice. It came closer. I started to feel scary.

Then I saw her.

She was beautiful as the sun, terrible like the moon. Yet her voice sounded like stars dancing at the sky. She spoke to me.

"Stormy. My dearest Daughter. I have a special task for you. You will be given Rubin and Fire. You will be The Teacher. I will give you Magic, Magic you must teach them all. And a way to Find. Take this map. It will show you The Ones and The Others. Beware for The Others. They want to ruin you my Children. And I am afraid that I cannot help you forever. You must learn to fight. But not now."

She smiled to me as she continued.

"Captain will find you, but remember, you are the true leader, in heart and soul. I will give you The Spirit. Carry it carefully. It will give you great powers. Such as this amulet."

She gave me a gold medalliong with rubins. It was beautiful indeed it was. I put it around my neck.

"When it becomes warm, look at the map. It will help you to find them. You will be one of The Four. One of Them. You will help to bring magic back to The Starless World."

"Who are you? And what do you mean with The Starless World?"

"I am Lady Lorethanna, from the Woodlake Town, from The Starfull World. Our world is beyond the stars, where everything is ever light. Your world is in forever darkness, because magic is lost. You are the Black people, while we are pure starlight."

She truely looked like it...

"Now, we do not have mutch time! I don't know when we will meet again. I can only see you in the dreams, once a while. You are vunerable. Seek for The Source of Immortality. It will give you more time to Learn."

She kissed my lips. It felt burning, and the Fire soon overtook my whole face. I could not see. I could not hear...

Except from her voice.

"Be Strong my Daughter. Estela Geda Ja Vatarlin."

Star of The Starless World.

Then everything went black.


I woke up in my bed, sweaty and panting. For the first time I had seen the faces of the others. Heard the names.




I wonder how they will be? Will we ever meet in real life? Or is it just a dream I see? Maybe it's all my imagination...Still, it feels so real...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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