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Another week passed and Xavier had seen the girl a lot. Every time he saw her, he fell in love with her even more. Was this really love at first sight? He wanted to talk to her, he wanted to ask her out, but he was always too scared to. What if she said no? What if she laughed in his face. Xavier knew that he had to talk to her first to even have a chance with her.

So when he saw her in the village square, alone, he knew that this was his chance. Xavier watched as she thanked the man behind the bread stall before walking away and to a different stall. As she walked, a loaf of bread fell out of her arms, landing on the ground. 

Xavier quickly rushed over, picking up the bread and giving it back to her. He watched as a warm smile grew on her face as she thanked him. "I'm Xavier," Xavier began, introducing himself. "And you are?"

"I'm Grace," the girl replied. Xavier smiled as he watched her light brown hair gently blow in the wind and her ocean blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight. Beautiful freckles were sprinkled across her nosebridge and under her eyes. "We should hang out some time," Grace suggested, causing Xavier to nod happily. "Yeah, we should."

There was a small, awkward silence before Grace chimed in. "Anyways, I guess I'll see you around," she said. "See ya!" And with that, Grace walked off into the marketplace, her light brown hair following behind her. Xavier watched as she walked, he really did love her. I guess it was love at first sight.


"I want to thank you again for saving my daughter," Alyssa's father thanked the two siblings. "No problem at all," Dante replied as he sat on the bench next to his sister. The children were braiding Grace's hair once again. Grace often met them at the bench allowing them to braid her hair.

"Hopefully those bandit don't come back," Grace began before turning to Dante. "Did you tell the Lord about them?" Dante nodded. That's when Grace noticed a familiar face across the street. It was Xavier. Grace shot him a warm smile and gave him a wave, Xavier returning the gesture.

He watched as Grace laughed and played with the children as well as a blue haired boy. Who was he? Xavier often noticed the blue haired boy around Grace but didn't know who he could be. Was he her boyfriend? It hurt Xavier to think about that. He couldn't imagine seeing Grace dating someone else. I guess he would have to find out who the boy was.

Xavier walked towards the bench where Grace was sitting, he was determined to find out who the blue haired boy was. "Hey Xavier," Grace smiled as Xavier walked towards the bench. "Hey," Xavier replied before his glance shifted to the blue haired boy who was sitting next to Grace. "Who's this?" He asked, gesturing to the boy.

Grace smiled, "Oh, this is my younger brother, Dante." Xavier felt weight lift off his shoulders as Grace told him who the boy was. He was only her brother. So maybe she doesn't have a boyfriend? "Hey," Dante said, holding out his hand of Xavier to shake. Xavier reluctantly took it before looking back to Grace. 

"So Grace," he began. "Do you want to hang out at some stage? Maybe tomorrow or-"

"Sure! Tomorrow works perfectly for me," Grace said, smiling. Xavier smiled, "Great! Meet me here tomorrow at noon, I have something planned." Xavier smiled to himself as he walked away from the bench. He did have something planned. He was going to ask Grace to be his girlfriend.

Now you may be asking; 'What if she says no?' Well Xavier had that planned. She wouldn't have the option to say no. She would be his girlfriend no matter what.


Hey lovely readers~ I hope you all enjoyed! Sorry to the kind shorter chapter, this was mostly just a filler chapter and I didn't know what else to do for it. I have something kinda big planned for this chapter though so sit tight because it will be out in the next few days!

Also, I'm going on  holidays next week until the 18th (my birthday! Yay!) So I might not be updating that much over that time but I will update a bit.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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