Lovestory that never started

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There were three girls who were friends since they were 3 years old. They were actually inseparable. They were named as Rosalie,Nia and Sophia. Being born in same year they were close too. Unfortunately Rosalie got little bit distanced when they were in 8th grade. And that's how Nia and Sophia got little more close. They both shared the interest in playing hockey and went for day boarding coaching together. And it was obvious that their bond became stronger.

A year passed and they got in 9th grade. Fortunately Rosalie came back to them again but she had a boyfriend and the singles were Nia and Sophia who often joked about her relationship but never crossed their limits. They both knew where to stop joking around about her relationship.

Now, even though Rosalie came back to the trio,Nia and Sophia held a special bond. Silly talks while teasing each other, having some embarrassing and cringe moments, Nia didn't even realise since when she started to find those cringe actions of Sophia really adorable. She thought it was normal for friends to admire each other like that. She did have point in that statement.

But she found herself looking at Sophia for too long. She never realised how pretty sophia's eyes  looked. The slightly brown eyes that she was sure they would shine under the sunlight.

Apparently Sophia was the shortest in class. Nia always used to make fun of her height, but she never realised from when she started to find her height cute. The way she stopped herself from patting her head.

'She never realised since when she started to find Sophia attractive '

But she ignored everything,every emotions .

"It's not a big deal"- she thought.

And that's how another year passed in a blink of an eye.

It was the day of 10th grade students farewell of which 9th grade students were responsible. Nia became MC and Sophia was her volunteer. Everything went well and like every ceremony more like after ceremony, students started their own photoshoot.

The three friends clicked pictures too. Rosalie was really active on in social media so she found out something. It was a blurry picture of Nia and Sophia in a weird angle which made the pic look a little couple- ish. The picture was posted by someone unknown. They were slightly weirded out by the photo,well accept Nia. She just acted like she found it wierd but deep down she wanted the picture to be real.

Few months later they got in 10th grade and the last grade where they will be together. As they knew it will be the last year,  the closeness between them increased then made plans  that they would work together in future and of course the time started to pass rapidly. 

In those months Nia's feelings for Sophia changed and of course as a teenager she was confused. Nia never considered herself as a possessive person but he didn't like the when Sophia spent time with her other particular classmate . And more to mention the that flirting with Sophia was her favourite thing to do.  She would stare at her, making eye contact with her until Sofia  would look away out of shyness.

At the month of October school decided to take the students to educational tour. Nia was not a person who would tell her emotions but she had a massive misunderstanding with her other friend which made her heart to break.

It was the day on which day when departing for the tour and that was the day when Nia let out her emotions to Sophia. Sophia comforted her. Her embrace felt so warm and comforting. The feeling of being neglected she felt from other friend disappeared. She felt happy.

During the tour Nia stayed closed by her both friends. That day they all were  the last one to get of the bus. Atleast that's what they thought.

Rosalie was having problem with your boyfriend and she was telling that to her other two friends but both were  little fed up of the relationship talks;typical singles.

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