Chapter 1

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Raining In Manila - Lola Amour

Bubble Gum - New Jeans

Daylight - Taylor Swift

Old Love - yuji & putri dahlia


Zara: gosh it's raining again I hate the rain

"zara's phone rings"

Zara: BESTIE!!! girl I've been calling Han and Rhea they're not answering huhu

Mikha: Wanna go to the new coffee shop at the mall right now?

Zara: sure im not busy

Mikha: okie i just wanna go there of course as a extravagant I'll go there

Zara: so if i come with you you'll pay for my drink? HAHA

Mikha: of course not HAHA

Zara: whatever bye see you

Mikha: ok bye

"After a few minutes they meet at the coffee shop"

Mikha: girl it's so comforting here

Zara: well yeah kinda

"as they were walking towards the counter zara bumped into a tall guy with a freshly made coffee and the coffee spilled everywhere"

Jake: Oh I'm very sorry miss

"jake took plenty of tissues at the counter trying to remove the coffee stain at zara's sweater"

Zara: no it's totally fine i promise

Jake: I'll just pay for it

"jake hands zara 2000 pesos for exchange on what happened"

Jake: please accept it

Zara: well thanks but there's no need

Jake: ok thanks, and I'll pay for your order as well

Zara: well it's a little too much but sure?

Jake: ok thanks, umm go take a sit and wait for me there

Zara: um ok

"as they walk at their table mikha whispered something on Zara"

Mikha: Girllll that's so sweet

Zara: shut up

Mikha: why am i wrong? he's tall and kind and he's very handsome as well

Zara: it's kinda true though HAHAHA


"as they were laughing jake sits infront of them"

Jake: I'm very sorry for what happened by the way im jake nice to meet the both of you

Zara: it's really nothing i promise

Jake: so uh where are you studying?

Zara: University Of Baguio, how about you?

Jake: I study there as well, but maybe we're in a different campus

Zara: maybe.... By the way here's my friend mikha

Jake: Hi!

Mikha: hello I'm zara's bestfriend

Jake: oh nice, btw um zara can i have your number? if that's ok?

"Mikha texted something to zara"


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