The evening

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# Hope you all enjoy this chapter...

Sarah's pov

5:00 in the evening, I woke up but I didn't want to. So I laid there staring at the ceiling. I saw that my roommate also came back and she was asleep on her bed across mine. I had the window to my side. I could see the sky, the warm hues of orange, pink, purple and the outlines of trees and buildings black against the vibrant background. The window was a canvas. One canvas held so many moving paintings. A wisp of cool breeze came in through the window, brushing against my skin. I don't want to get up. It's just so beautiful and I wish I could lay there all day long, all night long and admire the beauty of the vast expanse of the sky and its cotton like fluffy clouds, the birds flying, the wind blowing and the rustle of the leaves.

5:30, I have to call my mum. Yes, being the only daughter I have to keep my parents updated every single day. And in my family it's just the three of us, my mum, my dad, and me. My grandparents and our other family members like my uncles and aunts, they all live far away. We only visit them once a year. And that's the reason I'm not that close to my cousins. I was getting off track again, wasn't I? Sometimes I literally wonder if I have ADHD! Anyways, I called my mum, and we talked for a while, just that if I had any snacks or not?, when I came back to the dorm from college? And all. We usually don't have much to talk about because we talk literally like 4 times a day, in the morning after breakfast, after lunch, in the evening, after dinner. Yeah I know who calls their parents so much?! I do. Got any problem!

My roommate was still asleep. We were just roommates, we don't talk much and I hardly know anything about her except her name, Stacy.

She hardly stays in the room, and I mostly keep to myself, with my books, wattpad stories or series and studies in the room. It's just me but all they do is gossiping about others behind their backs, which I don't like to do and maybe that's one of the reasons behind my non-existent social life.

I decided to go down to the canteen to grab a coffee. Well, it was quite empty today. Guess everyone was tired and was sleeping in like my roomie Stacy. It didn't matter because I usually sat alone. So I grabbed my coffee and sat by a cozy corner. I scrolled down my whatsapp, yep no new messages except from El's nonsense. I opened insta and started scrolling down reels. I was busy laughing to one of the reels that I didn't realize someone sit across from me, until they cleared their throat and asked, "What are you watching? What's so funny?" Ummm oh shit, and he was none other than Adrian Thompson, Mr popular.

Adrian's pov

That son of a bitch. I can't believe Jason ditched me. I bet he has some secret girlfriend. That traitor. And I can't find my other friends, and I'm craving some cold coffee. Guess I'll have to go to the canteen alone today.

What I wasn't expecting to find was Sarah, Sarah Marshall sitting with her coffee by herself. Everybody knows her, the first year topper, the nerd. I was surprised to see her because she seldom came to the canteen in the evening. Well since I was alone today, I decided to sit with her. And I had been meaning to talk to her, just didn't had the chance. There's something about this girl that makes me curious, keeps pulling me towards her.

I approached her table. She was smiling over something on her phone and didn't notice me so I sat across from her and asked her "What are you watching? What's so funny?" she seemed startled.

And the first question she asked was, "What are you doing here?" "Um drinking my coffee." "No idiot! I meant why are you sitting here with me? Why aren't you with your friends?" she asked like it was obvious, I guess it was.

"All of my friends ditched me and I was craving some coffee. But why? Can't I sit with you?" I said.

"Um no ofcourse you can sit here." She said and went back to scrolling reels. "Well what are you watching? It seems pretty interesting." I asked.

"Just some reels, cartoon reels, shin-chan, tom and jerry." She said hesitantly. I chuckled, "I never knew the topper of our class is a cartoon person."

She scoffed saying, "what is wrong with cartoons, you know cartoons are a lot better than people."

Well that was some thinking because I hardly watch cartoon. My little brother is the one who watches. But I guess she is right. "Hm maybe you are right." Her voice is so sweet, not like those clingy girls but her voice has a defiant bold tone. The kind of voice you will never be tired of listening to. The kind that soothes your ears, like music. Am I being cheesy? Guess I am.

"Hey can you give me today's programming notes, I kinda fell asleep during the lecture and Jason said this time he won't be lending his notes to me and you know my other friends they aren't reliable. Besides they don't even write anything." I asked her.

She looked hesitant but then she said "Yeah okay! But I don't like to give my notebooks so is it alright if I send you the pics of notes over whatsapp."

"No problem. Tell me your number I'll message you." I said

She gave me her number and I instantly messaged her, hey! Adrian here! on whatsapp. "Save this number" I told her.

"Hey the evening is nice today. Wanna go for a walk around the campus?" I asked her. "yeah sure."

We didn't talk much as we walked through our campus. The cool breeze was refreshing just like her company. It was just nice. Even though we didn't talk, her presence was calming. Now and then I would glance at her. The evening hue bought out her hazel eyes. She had big eyes. Her dark black hairs were neatly tied in a low pony but a few locks were loose on her face. The wind was cool and her presence was warm.

"Hey it's getting late. I should get going. And I'll send you the notes." She said with a smile.

"Yeah. It was a nice evening. Thank you." "Yes it was." And she left for her dorm with that same smile.

After wandering for a bit I also returned to my dorm with a goofy smile and a warm sensation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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