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-Rydin's POV-

We all made it to the camp site after a long ride, my eyes fixated on Jules as we walk into the space, my eyes on her twirling her hair around her finger, my cheeks heated up, I really liked her, she was not only gorgeous, she had an amazing personality. We got out and started preparing the tents. 'I'll go and get some sticks for the campfire, I'll be back!' I called out to the group. They looked up. 'Alright, be back in 10 okay?' Jonathon called back, I simply nodded, before heading into the depths of the forest. After a bit, I collected some sticks, and was beginning to head back, but... I couldn't find my way.

-3rd person-

After being separated from his group, Rydin crept slowly around in the forest, fear passed through his shoulders as he hoped his group would be looking for him. He'd called out, but to no response. He felt sleepy, but he knew he had to keep pushing, after-all, falling asleep in the forest at night wasn't a spectacular idea. 'Why did I agree to this!' He cursed to himself for agreeing to such a stupid idea. Jonathon had suggested they should go to the forest, to record a video for Halloween, everyone else had agreed, and Rydin didn't want to seem like a wimp infront of everyone, especially Jules, who was his crush at the time. He looked into the sky, though, he could barely see the sky and, who knows if it is still blue at this point. He could see some of the hue, what he didn't like was it was rapidly becoming darker by the minute, which laid goose-bumps onto Rydin's skin. He shook the un-welcomed thoughts out of his head, and stayed optimistic, continuing to walk through the seemingly endless forest. He gulped, negative thoughts racing through his mind, eating up all the positive thoughts he had before. 'What if I die here?! I haven't even confessed my love to Jules yet!' He panicked.

He continued walking, the leaves crunched under his feet, he wanted to go back to the tent and fall asleep, but he knew he had to find it first. He let out a long sigh, pulling out his phone as a last desperate attempt to  reach the others, he had tried this before, but his bars were none, this time, he tried again. He opened his phone, before cursing and almost throwing his phone onto the ground, he still, had no bars. 'This is how I die,' he whispered to himself dramatically, which followed by him sitting on the ground for a break. He wanted to close his eyes, right there and then, but knew if he did, he'd probably not see the break of dawn ever again, which scared him. So after a bit, he stood up and continued walking, he prayed he could find shelter, as night was threatening to take over above, and he desperately wanted to get to safety. If only his stupid ass didn't decide to go on this just for a girl. He wanted to go back home and hug his Mum, and his older sister, who was a pain in the ass sometimes. He passed a gorgeous tree, vines spiraled down, reaching the ground, he was astonished, and admired the beauty of the tree for a bit, before realising, he was literally going to die if he didn't find the camp, he turned back, and saw a pit of darkness, he mentally facepalmed, before turning around and continuing forward, he wasn't sure if he was going the right way. But he really wanted it to be the right way, he was running out of energy, the coffee from the morning had really backfired on him. The only thing keeping him going was the thought of going home to his family, where his Mum cooked a nice apple pie for the entire family. He even thought of picking some apples just for that, but soon realised, he couldn't differentiate rotten and good apples, so he decided against it. 

He felt hopeless, but determined to get back, as he wanted to show Jules he was strong and cool. As he walked, he imagined her silky, blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, he could drool right there, if he wasn't lost- that was. He couldn't help but feel anxious, what if he didn't find his way back? Would he die? He shivered at the thought. He felt faint, and nauseated, almost forcing him to sit down, but he drank some water and it cooled down. He wasn't paying attention to the path, and some bark scratched his cheek, it wasn't bleeding a lot, but Rydin hated his blood, he felt like he could puke, yes that sounds weird for a 17-year-old to hate his own blood, but it reminded him of his unpleasant memories. He wiped the blood, it wasn't a lot, thank god. He continued walking around, hoping to see the light of the lanterns, checking his phone every now-and-then to see if he had any bars, but every time he tried, there weren't any. He wanted to give up, but pushed himself over the limits, walking tiredly around the forest, all he could see was darkness and trees. He pulled out his phone for a last resort, but to find it was dead. 'Wow, lucky me.' He sighed, he wanted to collapse, but probably knew it wasn't a smart decision, and kept walking, he wondered if he was walking around in circles, as all he sees were literally the same, trees and rocks. He didn't give up, sweat was slowly dripping down his head, but he pushed further, un wanting to die. 'C'mon legs, don't give up on me just yet, just a little bit more until we're back to camp.' He muttered quietly to himself though, he didn't know if that was true or not, his legs were wearing down, but he ignored the pain and continued on. He had no source of communication, soon. his legs gave up, and he collapsed, darkness engulfing his eyes, and his eyes fell closed.

(a/n: hey! This is my first book, please enjoy! <3)

Word count: 1038

Next chapter: 2/07/2024 (out!!)

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