Starting Over

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I moved in with grandparents and basically started my life over. Everything was new. My grandparents did things differently and I had to adjust. Summer flew by and it was on to making a new school routine. School started and I helped out gram at the store. I would go home just before gram closed up and get everything set so I could help gram with dinner. We would be usually just finishing up dinner when gramps got home from work. Gramps worked on the city construction crew, as he was the leader of his group. Gramps was a natural born leader and always put his best into his work. Gram owns her own little shop where she sells little trinkets that she has made. She croquets, knits, makes candles, sews, and much much more. Gram and Gramps love me very much and tried to make the switch from living with my parents to living with them easy. It wasn't. I had new responsibilities and I was busy more often. My friends had to adjust to my new life too. They stood by my side and helped me through everything. They visited me at the store and even helped me out with my work. I still found time for them, but it was hard. I had to though. My friends had been so good to me and I wanted to show them how much I appreciated them. So one day Rose was helping me move and unpack boxes when a group of kids around my age came in. A tall slim lady introduced herself as Mrs. Lang. She was a teacher at Winston High School in the nearby big city of Winston. My grandma introduced herself and I. Mrs. Lang lead her group away from the counter to explain what they were doing and behavior rules. Jeez, she was acting like these 16 and 17 year olds were kindergarteners. This automatically made me dislike her. As she was talking I asked my grandma what in the world these big city kids are doing in this small town that barely anyone knows about unless they live here or have relatives here. She told me that the school wanted the kids to have an experience, to see what the lives of small town people were like. It was supposed to show that people in a town can have close relationships and can function without large numbers of people. We were a strong little city and we were beautiful too. We had nature at it's finest at our fingertips. All the sudden a lot of noise broke the silence of the shop as the teens dispersed around the shop. One boy came up to the counter holding a small wooden birdhouse in his hands. He was curious and amazed by this small creation. He came up and asked Gram who had made the birdhouse. When she replied with herself, the boy was amazed and repeatedly complemented her work. He bought the house and scooted down the counter to where I was standing. He must've been waiting for his group to finish looking and buying. Only when he said "Hey, I'm Ben." Did I realize that he was talking to me. So I said "Hey, I'm Mia." He asked how old I was and I told him that I was 16 years old. He replied saying " Oh, I've only got a year on you." So he asked me about myself and I answered with as little as I could, as my anger was growing with every question. I just wanted him to leave me alone. He got my number and I didn't even have to wait for a text from him. He walked out with his group and I heard my phone ding. I looked out the window and there he was smiling at me. Ugh. Why? I don't need another person in my life. It's just another chance to be left again.

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