Chapter 1 : Being Reborn

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My death wasn't something amazing or heroic, I didn't save some poor bystander from oncoming death nor did I go out in a blazing glory that would be remembered by all through history. My health hadn't been the best and I never was very active to help my health like I should have been, I was a very lazy person and it's something I have come to regret. I believe I'm thankful that my death wasn't painful nor did I see it coming in hindsight even though I should have realized that the way I was going would have led to an early grave but I didn't, so shame on me and all that. I went to bed after reading stories on beyond tired since I had pulled another late night just to catch up on all the stories I was following, I remember dreaming about being a part of the Harry Potter world and the things I'd do differently before everything just stopped and seemed to come to a standstill. The next moment I can remember clearly is being trapped in complete darkness but also being able to faintly hear voices around me soothing the claustrophobia from driving me insane, mostly that of a women and a man with sometimes another male voice being heard on the rare occasion. It took me awhile to accept that I had died and had been reborn, it wasn't easy letting go of my past life in order to be able to live this new one without fear of losing this second chance to truly live. What felt like an eternity but was just nine months I felt a pushing and squeezing sensation that made me feel like not only was I being pushed from a very tight space but also squeezed. It is completely terrifying and horrifying being reborn, people should be honestly happy to not remember their own birth and their time as an infant because I wish I could forget this moment. I screamed once I had been finally freed and cleaned up as I was handed over to a beautiful women with fiery red hair and stunning emerald eyes that shined down at me as she gave me a loving gentle smile as her hand caressed my face, the complete love and adoration shining from her eyes made me speechless leaving me staring at this women who was to be my new mother with awe.

"Hello love, you're as stunning as I thought you'd be my child, my little Bambi. I love you very much Hadrian James Potter." She whispers softly to me while smoothing the baby hair atop my head, I couldn't help but freeze slightly in complete shock as she moved me to feed me at hearing the name that would now be my own along with just exactly who I had been reborn as. Reacting on instinct I didn't know I had, I began feeding as my mind went a mile a minute, while most wouldn't be able to easily accept being reborn into a fictional world I could easily because if there is one thing I'm good at, it's adapting and accepting things that seemed impossible, the only true thing I was proud of about myself anyway.

"Lily-Flower how are you and the baby? Come on Padfoot and Mooney lets go see my little Bambi!" I could hear a masculine voice shout with joy and love clear in his voice. Feeling myself being handed over to a man with shaggy black hair, aristocratic features and playful hazel eyes hidden behind stylish glasses I knew I was looking into the face of my new father who looked to be in complete awe as he watched me as he held me in his arms. Giving a coo as I was tilted to face who could only be Sirius Black, I let a gummy smile overtake my face and cooed louder making the people in front of me melt with love at the sight of my happiness. I couldn't decide if it was a sad thing or not that I'd only get a year at most with these people who already mean so much to me, I knew even if I had wanted to save them I wouldn't be able to what with having to relearn to talk and walk making it impossible. Finally sinking into my mind as the people around me talked and celebrated the new life brought into the world during a time of war and strife, I fell into what could only be my mind palace that was slowly taking the form of a study with wrap around dark ash wood bookshelves, a huge fireplace made of black marble with an antique ash wood desk and a vibrant velvet emerald chair befitting someone of a lordship sat behind the desk, only the two inner most tall bookshelves were filled, looking up I noticed a starry Milky Way sky that took my breath away and helped calm my emotions as I fully relaxed here in the safety of my mind. Moving to the two bookshelves that are already filled I noticed on one of them had everything I learned while the other held memories of the good and bad in my past life. The walls were painted to look like a mystical wooden forest surrounded by fairy lights that moved all around allowing the forest animals to be shown, who would have thought my mind palace would be something like this, it was beyond breath taking. With the desk being in the middle being surrounded by tall bookshelves I was surprised to feel at home and not suffocated as I would have thought I would feel being surrounded by tall bookshelves. Thinking a moment I created a pedestal made of pearl white gold with descriptive snakes, lions, ravens, and badgers decorating it, this is where I laid the book with all the memories with my new family to rest in remembrance and respect of the two new young parents who gave their lives for their child, to those parents who had willing laid down their lives for their child, me. Being a baby is boring and most of the time I escaped to my mind palace to reread about my past life and add things to my study to keep from going stir-crazy and help me from slipping into depression over the thought of losing James and Lily. I pushed myself to relearn to crawl and then walk at first to give me something to do and to get rid of my boredom but after seeing the prideful and loved fill looks on my new parents faces allowing the worry and fear they usually showed to fade away pushed me to keep giving them moments to distract them from the scary world around them. My first word in this new life was Dada, mama and paddy being a close second. I will treasure the complete adoration and love that appeared on each of their faces as I called out their names as I reached for them to pick me up and hold me, I knew as a newborn and that of a baby I had no true way of warning them of the true traitor not with how hard it was just to relearn to speak a few words so instead I soaked up and desperately took in every detail of my new family that I could so that I would never forget these happy moments of love. And while a war raged in the background and slowly slipped into our daily lives I more often than not stayed in my mind to move all my previous memories and life into a hidden room behind the fireplace to keep safe from any who entered my mind in search of the secrets I might hold or to snoop where they were not wanted. My magic core was something that I found when I turned seven months old and the feeling that it gave off was that of a calm sea before the storm, after finding and feeling my magic I slowly tried to do small acts of magic to stretch my magical core so I could slowly let my core be stretched and grow larger over time. I was only able to move my toys around and turn people's hair different colors, but I considered it a good start. Somehow, I was able to get across a way to receive a small pouch with an expansion charm allowing me to carry my Prongs, Padfoot, Moony, and Snaky plushies along with a handmade baby blanket with my initials and the Potter crest upon it. Time flies by even when you wish for it to hold still, before I knew it the day I would lose everything dear to me arrived and it took everything in me to not lose my mind in utter despair knowing that I could do nothing to stop it. The only thing keeping me together was that I would always have my memories of them, along with the spelled pouch that only I and my parents could see or remove around my neck holding the things I considered my most treasured things that they had the Goblins ward just for me. I closed my eyes to hold back my tears as I heard my father shout at my mother to take me and run and just as the movies described the scene happened now in front of me feeling me with grief and heartache at seeing two bright souls being cut short. Standing to my feet holding the bars of my crib looking into the crimson eyes that were only beginning to show signs of insanity I couldn't help but give him a sad small smile of acceptance.

"I'm sorry child but I cannot allow anyone to stand in my way to success." He spoke softly with a hissing lilt to his voice before a green light filled my vision only for unbearable pain to replace it as I blacked out in agony slapping a hand to my forehead. The last thing I heard before completely blacking out was that of a terrified agonized scream.

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