Chapter 13 : End of First Year

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The rest of the school year I spent focusing on getting Blaise and Neville up to speed on my plans concerning Voldemort and what I had accomplished so far. With not only their sworn loyalty but also signed magic binding contracts I had no fear on anything I shared with them getting out voluntary or not. Surprisingly Riddle didn't just leave, but instead finished off the school year as our possessed defense professor, not only that but he seemed to never truly let his eyes leave my person.

"Hadrian!" The Weasley twins shouted as they ran up to me right before I could head inside the Great Hall with Blaise and Neville beside me.

"Yes?" I questioned while sending the others to get us good seats for the end of the year feast.

"Fred and I were wondering if we could write you this summer and maybe meet up sometime?" George asked with Fred nodding along. Looks like my plan of sharing stories of mischief and believing in their dreams worked in having them coming to trust me and slowly it allowed me to gain their trust which was what I wanted in the first place.

"Sure! Maybe Neville, Blaise, and I could make plans to meet you sometime in Diagon!" I answered while sending them a beaming smile before giving them a wave as I headed to sit down for the feast. Getting to my spot that Neville and Blaise had saved for me took a few minutes as a few other first years stopped me to give me their thanks for helping them during class to understand the work the professors were giving us.

"Sometimes watching you makes it hard to believe that you're in the most part acting." Blaise murmured to me as I sat down causing me to send him a smirk and wink.

"It's like I always say though Blaise, trust for trust, loyalty for loyalty, it's as simple as that." I answered while they rolled their eyes toward me.

"Well considering who you seemed to have started to have wrapped around your little finger makes me slightly terrified of you." Neville answered while nodding his head toward our possessed professor. When I informed them of who Voldemort really was and some of his back history so they would be up to date was hilarious and at the same time somber. They listened and had their moment of freaking out before they seemed to straighten up and informing me once again that they would follow me no matter what. I couldn't ask for more loyal friends nor right and left hands and I would never regret befriending them or trusting them.

"Remember to keep us updated and informed this summer." Blaise stated later that night as we finished the last of the packing and moved to go to bed for the last time that year.

"Also, I think this summer would be a good time to capture the rat." Neville added as he moved to lean against Blaise's bed that was beside mine. We were lucky that since there was so many First-Year boy Hufflepuff students that we were split into two Dormitory's three boys in each one. So, Justin, Ernie, and Wayne were given the other room while we shared the other.

"I'll wait to the middle of the summer and then invite Remus over to the Weasley's with the thought of a middle ground for meeting an unknown old friend of my parents. That way when the rat runs by, I could fake being afraid and have my magic react by freezing it in place. This will allow Remus to get close enough to catch the rats scent and recognize who it really is." I added in while laying down with a smirk tugging at my lips at the plans just waiting to take effect and having my Godfather free before Third Year would be amazing since that would make sure I wouldn't have to deal with those soul sucking monsters, and I meant both the Dursley's and the Dementers.

"Will you be adding anyone into our inner circle next year? Maybe Daphne or Theo? I know you have worked on gaining their trust along with the Weasley twins this year, but I didn't know if you planned on fully involving them yet or not." Blaise asked as he moved to lay on his side to face me. Humming in thought as I thought over the pros and cons of adding them in so early.

"Maybe, adding them next year fully could be a risk as much as it could be a bonus." I spoke softly still thinking things over.

"I think you should. They already report anything they hear to you and they also show their loyalty when they defend you against any who speak ill of you, which includes Malfoy." Neville added his own thoughts before moving to his bed to lay down. The next morning was chaos as everyone tried to gather everything and head toward the train and not miss it. Grabbing Thanatos after letting Charon out the window to fly toward the Dursley's I moved calmly outside with my things shrunken in my shoulder bag.

"This year was crazy, but I don't regret coming here." I whisper quietly as I waited for my close friends to join me in the compartment.

"Should have known you would rather head here than eat!" Blaise shouted as he and Neville made their way inside the compartment. Before I could answer a tapping noise distracted us to see a owl awaiting us to open the window. No sooner had we done so that the owl dropped a letter in my lap and took off back outside. Waving for them to sit down and begin relaxing I moved on to focus on the letter in my lap.


I will be working on a ritual that will allow me to gain my own body once more, I have also got into contact with the goblins who have informed me of your wish to safely collect such things as Horcrux's and how you wish to help me regain my sanity. I am not mad nor am I against doing so, as such this summer I will use the time until the end of summer to regain said items and if you have already collected any I would be grateful if you would return them to me. On another note once I have gone through the ritual and reabsorbed my Horcrux's, though I plan to leave the one in you and in the locket alone, I wish to meet up and have another meeting to discuss exactly what you wish to do about our world and any plans you have set in motion.


I shook my head in disbelief at how much had already changed even as a smile overtook my face. Things were already looking up and it was only the end of my first year! This also meant I wouldn't have to deal with the creepy possessiveness of Tom's Soul Shards!

"Whatever or whoever wrote that must speak some unknown language because it looks like scribbles to me." Blaise spoke up after catching a glimpse of the letter causing me to roll my eyes before setting the letter into the magic pouch I never took off around my neck while Thanatos let out a hissing laugh from around my neck.

"All you need to know is that a change of plans for this summer has been decided." I say before smirking as I looked at them.

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