Short prologue

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"Listen here, babe, he didn't pay up! A girl's gotta make a livin' somehow! You get it, right?" Emma shrugged, holding up her satchel of... Uh.. I think you know

"Alright, sweetheart" the white haired man cocked his gun "you fucked up one of my men. As of now, he's literally bedridden and unrecognizable" the man groaned in annoyance

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, alright? But, coke and weed are expensive things, you should know that, mister powerful mafia boss, and I need the cash. Mama's sick and my brother's leg is broken. Daddy's nonexistent so I'm the one who's supposed to pay all the bills!" she threw her hands up in a 'my bad' sort of motion before turning to the random men behind him "plus, I know most of the guys behind you. Hell, most of them still fuckin' owe me! Hey, Mason, how's the wifey been treatin' ya after she found out about the heroin?" She asked, receiving no answer

"Ugh, okay, okay. If I pay you back, will you leave them alone?" The man sighed

"Humm... Fine then! We've got a deal!" Emma giggled, fiddling with the stars on her cat beanie "when can ya get the money?"

"Depends. How much do they owe?" The masked man crossed his arms

"Hum.. Roughly... 60k!" Emma smiled innocently, pulling her black mask back up

"Seriously? Ugh, fine, I can get it to you by... Next week" the man sighed

"Sweet! Anyways, gotta go, sugar, when and where we gonna meet?" The gingerette asked, turning to walk away

"Meet me at this exact spot. 1am" the young man said "oh, and by the way, why do you keep calling me pet names? You realize I could get you and your whole family kidnapped and killed, right?"

"Cause you're a pretty one" the girl giggled again, not bothering to acknowledge the blatant threat "plus, you look like you'd enjoy it"

"Excuse me?" The man put his hand on his hip, glaring her down

"Whaaat?? I'm right, aren't I?" Emma joked and faced him once again before winking at him "anyways, gotta go make sure mama ain't dead yet! See ya soon!" She saluted casually as she smiled underneath her face mask

"Wait" the man called out "what's your name?"

"Humm... Depends who's askin'..." Emma asked

"It doesn't have to be your real name, by the way, I just need to know what to call you by" the man said

"You can just call me Mary Jane. What about you?" She asked, which had him think for a few minutes

"... Stray. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mary Jane"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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