♡Meet Dante♡(again)

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I am NOT doing all the scenery again, so I'm gonna use my horrible writing skills and come up with how Aneesha met Dante/When she got kidnapped. Alright now how the FREAK DO I START THIS-


3rd Person POV:

Aneesha slowly opened her eyes, she was somewhere unfamiliar. She slowly sat up before almost immediately holding her head, feeling dizzy. That's when she heard a little clanking noise and noticed there were cuffs on her wrists, which had chains that were connected to the floor.

"Oh.. not again." She groaned, "My mom's gonna kill me.."

Suddenly, a door opened and a tall figure came stomping down the stairs. Of course Aneesha was afraid but also a bit curious. She watched as the figure angrily punched a punching bag that was in where she could assume the basement. The figure then turned towards her and let out a frustrated sigh while pulling out a switchblade, crouching down to her eye level,

"Finally awake I see.." The figure, which was a guy due to how low and deep his voice was. She tensed up as the blade touched her chin, tilting it up to meet his dark gaze. "I'm not gonna kill you.. yet at least." 

"W-What do you want with me..?" She stuttered, trying to be as brave as she can.

"I want nothing to do with with you," He stood up, walking away. 

"Then why am I here?"

"Well.. since you won't be here for long, some red-head guy wants to use you as a test subject for something he's working on. He hired me to find you." He suddenly stabbed the punching bag, making her jump. "And he's late.."

She noticed he had a tail, it was long, dark brown, and fluffy, indicating that he was a wolf like her. "And.. you're okay with this? I mean, we're the same species!" She tried to reason with him.

"Its not about being okay with this, it's about entitled, selfish, and ignorant people getting what they deserve." Before she could say anything else, he walked back upstairs.

'But I'm not any of those. I don't even know what entitled means-' Her thoughts were interrupted when the guy came back downstairs, pulling the switchblade out of the punching bag and started walking towards her. She scooted back until her back hit the wall, she stared right at the blade.

"Relax, I said I'm not gonna hurt you." He put the switchblade in his pocket. She trembled slightly as he grabbed her wrist, unlocking the cuff. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"No, you're not free." He chuckled at her confusion. "The guy decided to reschedule everything and come pick you up tomorrow, until then, you're stuck with me." Once he got the last cuff off, she tried to run, which ended in him grabbing her by her waist and pulling her back. "Don't think you're gonna get out if here that easily, everything's locked. Besides, you don't know you're way around here." He then let her go.

She turned towards, "Then why'd you take the chains off?" 

"Because I don't feel like running up and down those stairs over and over to make sure you're still alive and breathing, now come on." He grabbed her wrist and led her upstairs.

*Timeskip 5 hours later because I gave up*

Aneesha's POV:

Other than being scary and rude, this kidnapper has got to be the best one ever! I mean, free roam around the house? Never happened to me before! 

"You know.. nevermind." I looked over at the guy who looked away from me.

"Something wrong?" I asked, sitting up on the couch.

"Its just.. you're not like anyone else I've captured." He looked back at me.

"How so?"

"Usually they're all spoiled and bratty. You on the other hand, are annoyingly sweet and carefree." He explained.

"Thank you?" Was that a compliment or an insult? "Well you know.. I try to make everyone I meet feel comfortable around me." I gave him a friendly smile as he averted his gaze, again.

"Works a little too well." He responded.

"Sooo does that mean you trust me?-"

"I didn't say all that now.."

I sighed, looking around the room to past the time when an idea pops into my head. "Hey.. who are you anyway? I mean I know you're a kidnapper, but what do I call you?" I asked.

"That's none of your business." 



"Well then how old are you?"

"That's also none of your business."

I sighed and crossed my arms, "Well then what do you look like? Aside from having dark blue eyes.."

"That's.. not important"

3rd Person POV:

"Aw come on, a face isn't gonna hurt anybody? Are you ugly?" She teased.

"I said-" Before he could finish, she pounced onto him, trying to pull down his mask. After a few minutes of fighting, he pushed her off of him,

"Alright! Fine! Jeez.." The kidnapper pulled down his mask, revealing a few scars on his face, giving him a more unapproachable appearance. "Happy?" 

She admired his features before gently pulling off his hood, he had dark brown hair that was in one of those small ponytails(or whatever they're called). "Well now I am.." She said softly. "You know you have pretty eyes.. and nice hair!" She smiled brightly.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he felt sudden heat rise to his cheeks, as if he wasn't used to getting compliments. "Whatever.. thanks, I guess" He responded, running a hand through his hair. 

She noticed the sudden awkward and held her hand out. "Let's restart, okay? My name's Aneesha!"

The guy looked at her hand, then back up at her friendly gaze before gripping her hand gently. "Dante." He said, his gaze softening slowly.

✨️SUDDENLY✨️, one of the doors break down, revealing tall figure, and from their gaze, you can tell they were  a n g r y.

"Aneesha.. who's this?" The figure asked.

"Oh! This is my friend, Dante!" She responded cheerfully, wrapping her arms around Dante's shoulders. "Dante, this is my dad!"



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I'm kidding-

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