Chapter 1

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"Monaco? Are you crazy!?" I shout at Betty in the middle of the airport.

She doesn't seem to understand my anger and her face, full of joy only proves that.

"Surprise!" She hugs me and laughs in my ear. "Happy birthday, Jude!"

I shut my eyes and try to calm myself down.

"For how many weeks exactly are we staying?" I say looking around and trying to accept that we are in the most expensive European country in the world.

And I am a law student on a very tight budget.

"For just one week."She says still smiling." I already booked us a hotel in Monte-Carlo, so take your bags and prepare yourself for the best holiday of your life!

I do as she says and try to assimilate all the new information, as my best friend keeps talking. My name is Jude Thompson. I am 21 years old, a law student who lives in Chicago, USA. Right now I am in Monaco, with my best friend, who with her dad's money bought us a flight for my birthday, without telling me where we were going and booked us a hotel. And now I am on a mission called "how-to-not- go-broke-in-monaco".

Wish me luck.


"Betty, this hotel is magnificent!"I tell her while she is changing her dress again.

"I'm glad you like it!" After a short pause she adds." Jude, I have to talk to you. And it's serious."

Unwillingly, I step back from the window that has the most incredible view I have ever seen, and sit on the bed with her.

"What happened?" I ask, worried.

Betty is a carefree person and rarely uses her serious voice. Sometimes, I think that if it hadn't been for our parent's friendship and proximity, we would never have become so close. Betty and I are too different from each other.

"Did you know that every third person in Monaco is a millionaire?" She says, a smile playing on her lips.

"I kind of figured" I tell her vaguely. On our first day here, we have already seen two Porshes, three Mercedes, five Rolls-Royces and at least seven Ferraris.

"Well, I have a plan." She tells me lowering her voice even though we are alone in our room. "I want to meet a wealthy guy and marry him! Isn't that a wonderful idea?"

I shake my head and try not to laugh at her childish thoughts.

"That barely sounds like a plan, Bet. We have to visit expensive places and we only have seven days. Plus, your family is rich. Isn't that enough?"

"Jude, I don't want to depend on my father anymore." she sighs

"So, instead, you chose to depend on your husband?" I say shaking my head in disbelief. "I would never choose that for myself. I just wouldn't be able to live like that, Betty."

"All right, Miss Independent. But I would. And that's why we are going to the Casino de Monte Carrrlo" she says, mimicking a French accent.

I roll my eyes and throw my fluffy, fancy, hotel pillow at her, that probably costs more than all of my savings in my bank account.

"But, Bet, I have nothing to wear! And what am I going to do in a casino?" I exclaim angrily, while she throws a pillow back at me.

"Shut up, Jude! You brought two suitcases. Wear that red dress, that we bought last week. You are going to look gorgeous in it!"

I roll my eyes again and jump off our huge, expensive as hell, posh bed, to change my sweaty airport clothes.

By the time it was evening, Bet and I had already settled in, organized our clothes, and were on our way to the casino.

"I still don't know what we are going to do in there." I whisper and make sure that the taxi driver doesn't hear us.

"Relax.. Daddy said that it was open to anyone. We have the same rights to be here, as the others." She whispers back, making sure that her dress is all right in the meantime. Betty is very pretty. Her red hair and her navy blue dress matches her eyes. I think that she wouldn't have any problem conquering Monaco's richest men.

Me, on the other hand...I am different. I am way more tanned, with green eyes and brown hair. I am average. I am the girl you see on the street, and when you pass by you might notice me because of my style, but , you'll forget about me later.

With this thoughts in my head, we arrive at our destination.

"Betty, I don't know...Maybe that's not such a good idea.."  I start mumbling. 

I am a coward. I know it.

However, Bet doesn't let me finish, by grabbing my hand as we enter the Casino de Monte-Carlo.

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