Chapter 3: A good power for the wrong person.

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"Hey, Akira-kun. Wake up!"
I opened my eyes.
"Ugh, this nightmare just won't end."
"W-what nightmare?"
I looked at Kaito-kun, who looked really scared.
"Okay then... I baked you some eggs!"
"How did you do that?"
"Instead of blades, i can change parts of me in arms"
"But how'd you see?"
"Oh god, you really don't know anything about me, do you?"
"I can make eyes wherever i want on the arm."
"Speaking of arms. What was in with those yesterday?"
Kaito froze.
"I don't know man, it was the strangest thing i've ever seen..."
"Yeah, hopefully he will not come back"
"Yeah, i hope s-"
"He's here."

I Dressed myself as fast as possible.
"In this building, he's going up the stairs."
"We have to escape through another way!"
"Yeah, but i don't know ho-"
"We'll go through the window!"
"Save me"
I jumped out the window.
As i fell too the bottom, the arm from Kaito-kun became a parachute, so i flew away from the horrible place.
"Ah, i think we got away"
"Me too, thanks buddy"
"You're welcome."
When everything looked so peacefull, a blade hit the parachute, and made a cut inside it, and it started bleeding.
"Uhh, Kaito, we're going down!"
"I know, i know"
Kaito Healed the cut and got to the ground.
"We gotta fight it in the woods!"
"F-fight it? We can't win!"
"You gotta fight too, Akira."
"You have to fight"
"But, how?"
Kaito Became a blade and it felt on the ground.
"With this"
I picked up the blade.
"As i fight him, you can cut the blades off and use them for yourself!"
"Will this really work?"
"It should work"
"Alright, Lets go to the woods"
I runned towards the forest.
"He's following us, it looks like he's in a car!"
I runned into the forest.
"Akira-kun, look out!"
A blade flew towards my heart, but i blocked it with my blade, and Kaito cutted the blade off.
I picked up the blade.
"Do you think we can defeat him?"
"I hope so"
Another blade flew towards me.
I blocked it again, but when Kaito tried to cut it of, Kaito got knocked over by another arm
"That's what you get for hurting me!"
A man is standing in the shadow.
"This is what you get!"
He cutted in my back.
He walked out of the shadows.
He was young.
14 years old, i think. i couldn't really see, he was full of Gholls.
"W-what happened to you?"
"I fell in a giant box of rusty spikes when fighting someone"
"Why were you fighting?"
"It doesn't matter, what matters is that you have to die!"
All of His Gholls were flying towards me.
"I'm sorry, Akira"
All i saw is Black.

"Hey, you"
I opened my eyes.
"You're bleeding!"
The sound was coming from behind me.
I remembered His voice.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, i'm alright"
"Can i do something?"
"No, thanks for asking. I'll be going home now."
"Okay, bye!"
The conversation ended.
I runned into the forest.
I wanted to pull out the rusty Nail again, but it was already out.
Kaito flew out of the hole in my back.
"Okay, what direction is the tree of life again?"
"What are you talking about? The tree of life works in the past, now and the Future!"
"Okay. Where should i go to? I can't go back to that city, right?"
"No, it's too dangerous. We should find back the road and go the other way, as far as possible"
"Kaito, i got a question..."
"How will i go back to Earth with you fighting the whole time?"
"Uhh.... well.... uhm... If i fight alot i... I gather alot of strenght... and with that strenght i can create a portal back to your dimension!"
"Yeah... That makes sense."
"So uhh... let's go back to the road."
"Okay. Which way?"
"Nord-East, i think."
I runned towards that direction, and i saw the road.
"Last time i went left right?"
"I guess so. Let's go right this time"
As i was walking down the road, the sun was slowly going down.
Before i knew it, it was dark.
All i saw was black, except for some lights, that i could see a Little bit. It was far away.
"That must be the new city."

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