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It was the summer after senior year and we had just graduated me and Matt used to be best friends until he and I got into a huge fight in sophomore year but I was still friends with Nick and Chris. My mother had a baby,my new baby sister Abigail had just been born,which changed my whole life forever in 2 ways,1 I had a new sister of course,2 my mother died giving birth,we had her funeral so she was officially gone.
My father had a work trip the day after leaving me with the newborn baby for 2 months.

"Dad,you have to be kidding! I can't take care of a baby for 2 months all alone,I'm still grieving!"
I pleaded with my father as he was about to walk out the door. I was like he didn't care that mom was dead or that he had a baby to take care of.
"The formula is on the table and you know the rest,I'll see you in 2 months."
He walked out and got into his car before driving away leaving me all by myself with a 9 day old baby. I texted my friend group to nag.

Our Dysfunctional

Gay son:Nick
Fun uncle:Chris
God mother:madi


DAD: no one cares

GAY SON: do you need us to come over???

FUN UNCLE: I'm already on my way

STFU Matt. But yes plz come over.:MOM

I sat on the couch as I awaited the triplets but then I heard Abigail whaling so I jumped up and ran to her room I was stressed so I just sat there oblivious on what to do until I remembered she hadn't eaten that day so I picked her up brought her to the kitchen and sat her in a baby seat until the bottle was made then I picked her up and fed her the full bottle she was about to fall asleep but the door bell rang and she jumped awake.

"Damn it."
I said under my breath as I walked to the door and saw the boys.

"You woke up Abigail!"

I scolded after I let them in as I tried to shush her back to sleep.

"Sorry,but how else were we supposed to let you know we were here?"

Nick replied to which Matt laughed. I was confused on why Matt was laughing but I didn't say anything as I wanted to get Abigail to sleep ASAP. I sat on the couch and rocked her until she fell asleep then I put her in her crib and walked back down the stairs hugging Nick and Chris.

"I missed you two, it's been like a month since I've seen you!"
I exclaimed then I looked at Matt.

"Why'd you even come?"

I asked with a dirty look I knew he was obsessed with babies so that's probably why he came.

"I came for the new baby I'm gonna make her first word be 'Matt'."

I rolled my eyes but then I had an idea.

"What if I drop Abigail off at at our granny and grandpas house and we throw a party!?"

For some reason Matt was super excited and so were Nick and Chris so we decided to drive over and drop off Abigail then we texted the school group chat. That there was a party tonight.

"Oh shit this I gonna be good."

A/N this was the first chapter I'm gonna try and finish the book by the time school starts,but there will be no smut I think it's sexualizing the triplets so there will be no smut,but thank you for reading the first chapter! Word count:635

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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