chapter 3: teddy remus lupin

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The boy threw off his hood and everyone gasped. He looked like Remus Lupin but with electric blue hair.

Teddy: my name is Edward(Teddy)remus lupin, son of remus lupin and severus snape and sirius black

Everyone was shocked.

Remus: do you have my problem?

Teddy: no dad, but i am a metamorphmagus. Any questions

Random: are you dating? And how old are you

Teddy: i am 24 years old, we are from 2022. I was born in 1998. I am married actually and have a beautiful 4 year old daughter.

Severus: who are you married to?

Neither him nor Remus nor sirius seemed surprised that they were together.

Teddy: he will be revealing it himself

Teddy looked at the table of hooded people.

Teddy: if there are no more questions, i think it's JS's turn?

One of the hooded people: you don't even know that i come directly after you???

Teddy: ofc i do!

Random: what do you work as, what house were you in

Teddy: right. So i was a hufflepuff. My hogwarts romance is currently my husband who is a year younger than me and i work at the ministry.

Sirius: godparents?

Teddy: Harry Potter and Narcissa malfoy

He flashed a smile at the malfoy matriarch

He left and the next person came up. It seemed obvious that he had a lot of confidence

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