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"I will definitely see you this time, Dad!"

Dad said that one night. That day, the rain fell harder than ever, Neungdiao could remember exactly that moment. There was a kind of firmness in the man's gaze that made the boy a little suspicious. He only knew that his father was very busy, there was only one day he would definitely get to see him all year and that was his birthday. That year, he was 10 years old, no matter how busy he was, he would come back to congratulate him. Right now, he could meet and talk with his father again, sitting together happily.

"I know daddy will come"

When his father hugged him, his son was very happy. He enjoyed seeing her in a brightly colored suit, running to hug her because these moments were always fleeting. Dad always woke up before his son and wouldn't leave until he was asleep. Only his mother said that his father got the money to build a big house for Neungdiao and buy Neungdiao a big car.

"Neungdiao must trust father"

Dad lowered his head and pressed his lips to her forehead as if to say goodnight to her. Neungdiao wanted his father to finish his story. Father tells that the king needs to protect the country from an evil dragon, the leader cannot return, because it will hurt the people he values.

"Daddy loves you the most in the world Neungdiao"

The boy felt something wet on his father's face when he let go. Seeing her teary eyes, her heart trembled, she didn't want to see her father like this.

"Dad, don't cry, Neungdiao loves you too"

The boy said while wiping his tears with his hand. "Neungdiao doesn't need dad to have a lot of free time with him, he just needs dad to stop crying."

"Neungdiao listen to what father says"

The man wiped his tears with his hand as if he had made up his mind

"Neungdiao remember how to play hide and seek?"

"Count from 1 to 10, don't open your eyes"

Neungdiao often plays this game with his father on his birthday every year. When I open my eyes, I will see a huge gift box.

"This time Neungdiao must be quiet, just count with your mouth, don't say it out loud"

"Dad, did you hear me counting?"

Neungdiao asked in confusion. His father only smiled faintly, but his heart was full of worry. There was a roar in the sky, Pipob gently held his child tightly.

"Neung must believe in father"

He felt his father was on the verge of tears and emphasized every word, "Don't let anyone know you're here. Listen to your father, no matter what happens, Nuengdiao must close his eyes, shut his mouth, and continue to count like the two of us." Is this an agreement?"


The boy believed that his father's words were always true, so he believed them unconditionally, without any doubt.

"Should I count from 1 to 10?"

The father smiled, raised his hand and patted his son's head. Neungdiao heard the sound of wheels in front of the house. Then there was the sound of rain. Pipob hugged his son, making it a little difficult for Neung to breathe. For some reason, he held back his tears.

"Dad, I love you. I love you the most in the world."

Dad cried again, this time he came to comfort him.

"I also love you the most in the world"

This is not a lie, this is a lie. Father takes the child to the cupboard. There were ten cupboards lined up in a row, and he opened the deepest cupboard and placed his son in the narrow gap. Neungdiao could barely move his body, his father's hand gently rubbing his head.

"Don't be afraid, after playing hide and seek, I will put you to sleep, okay?"

Father said while smiling gently. At first Neungdiao didn't really understand, until his father nodded and asked him to count.




Dad closed the closet door, and the boy slowly counted deep in his throat until silence swallowed him. Neungdiao closed his eyes and followed his father's instructions, not letting anyone know he was here.


He tried to concentrate on counting to 10 to go out and look for his father. But outside the cupboard, he heard many different sounds. His father's voice scolding him sounded like he was arguing with someone, the sound of objects clashing loudly, something breaking. Horrible stories reached his ears.


Gunshots rang out, that was the last sound Neungdiao heard. He realized that he could no longer play hide and seek with his father.

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