"a precious radish"

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A shy, extremely pale young man in red robes sat at the corner of the bustling market, nervously waving plump radishes in a pitiful attempt to sell them. As a young and handsome cultivator approached, he startled, eyes wide, and smiled nervously.

"H-hi! Would you like a r-radish? Young Master Wei said to sell all of these..."

The cultivator smiled when he recognized the voice. "Brother Wen!" He said to him.

It was Lan Sizhui, of the Lan Sect of Gusu. It had been a few years since Wei Wuxian had settled down with Hanguang-Jun. Lan Sizhui had come off age now.

He was just going to the market to get some new herbs for Hanguang Jun. It has been quite some time since he had seen Wen Ning. The last time was...

Well, they had been stuck in a cave. Because he is technically dead, since he is a walking corpse, he doesn't need to eat. But Sizhui did, so they searched for something and came across some plants that seemed eatable. Even though he doesn't need to eat, he insisted on tasting them first before Sizhui ate them. He ended up approving up the plant, and Sizhui ate it also.

What they both weren't aware of was that the plant was some kind of drugs. They both got light-headed, and they ended up making out. Sizhui's cheeks still burned whenever he thought of it, but neither of them had mentioned it after the effects of the plant had worn off.

Now, Sizhui also greeted him with a smile. "Brother Wen, it's been a long time. Why does young master Wei make you sell radishes?"

Wen Ning nearly dropped a radish as he heard the familiar voice. He spun around, eyes wide and body tense, until he realized who it was. Immediate relief crossed his features, and he relaxed significantly, though he couldn't hide the blush that formed on his face when he remembered the last time they were together on that trip.

"Hi, L-Lan Sizhui. You s-spooked me..." *he mumbled, looking at the ground.

He set the radishes on the stand before fidgeting a little with the hem of his robes.

"Young Master Wei s-said I need to practice my talking skills... I'm not good with strangers.."

"Oh, I didn't mean to scare you." Sizhui apologized. "To practice talking to people?" He repeated, knowing how anxious Wen Ning was when it came to strangers. "How long have you been selling these for?'

Wen Ning shook his head, waving away the apology.

"It's all right... I get scared easily..." he shyly mumbled. When Sizhui echoed Master Wei's words on talking with people, Wen Ning nodded. That really was why he was here, alone, in the market and away from his usual safe place back in the Cloud Recesses or with Master Wei.

"T-three hours..."

It must be hard for him, being here alone in such a crowded place. Sizhui smiled. "Hmm, that's a long time. Don't you need a break?"

Wen Ning glanced around anxiously, flinching as a group of children laughed loudly, and another passerby slammed into his shoulder. But he quickly turned back to him, eyes wide and anxious. He didn't want to complain, especially to Sizhui.

"I- I'm fine..." he mumbled, a hint of tremors in his hands.

"Oh my, are you all right? He bumped into you quite hard.." Sizhui said and gently touched the shoulder where the stranger had rudely slammed into.

Wen Ning tensed even more as Sizhui touched his shoulder, face flushing with embarrassment. He hated being weak. He tried to shake the feeling off, tried to keep his hands from shaking, but his body wasn't listening to him.

"a precious radish" --> LANSIZHUI X WENNINGWhere stories live. Discover now