It's raining tonight.

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Relationships were complicated. Even more so when it came to Ghost.

You knew he loved you, he really did. But people never really change. And his coldness would always come back no matter how hard you'd try to give him everything you could, everything you had.

After a thousandth argument, you couldn't take it anymore. You walked out of his room and went back to yours.

You had to go on a mission the next day anyway, it was for the best.

When you woke up in the morning you thanked Price for sending you out there with Soap. It always helped to stay away from him for a little while, to give him some time to think.

But it was raining hard that day, pouring down so much that you couldn't see a thing, that you didn't see the enemy on your side.

Ghost started to worry as he stayed at the base, watching the rain falling down and covering most of the horizon.

You'd always loved the rain, and he'd always made fun of you for that. Probably because after spending most of his life in Manchester he wasn't a huge fan of the rain himself.

Time passed, and you weren't there. Why weren't you there already?

He couldn't help but pace back and forth like a lion in a cage as his mind suddenly went blank.

Soap was back, but you weren't.

He shook his head, forcing himself to believe this was a nightmare.

But his worst nightmare had become reality, as he stood a few days later in the rain, staring at your name written in tiny letters.

It hadn't stopped raining that day, nor the day before. Maybe it was your way to show him that you weren't really gone?

Price friendly put a hand on his shoulder, even though he knew that deep down, nothing would ever ease the pain.

Tears fell down his cheeks the same way rain fell from the sky. The same way he had fallen in love with you a year ago, the day you bumped into him after your first day joining the Task Force.

He couldn't forgive himself.

You left thinking you were a nuisance in his life, when in reality you were the remedy to his melancholy.

"It's raining tonight," he whispered as his hand brushed against the stone.

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