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______________The Chosen One _______________

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The Chosen One

Heat prickled her skin as she slowly regained consciousness. A dryness clawing up the inside of her throat as she began to register the multitude of voices around her. The sixteen year old girl struggled to open her eyes, but when she did, a strangled, terrified cry escaped her chapped lips.

The flames of a fire surrounded her in an ominous circle while four darkly clothed women stood outside of it with their arms outstretched towards the heavens, chanting together in unison in a language she'd never even heard before.

"Lucy!" A terrified voice called out causing her to whip her head towards the source of it.

Her frightful eyes found her adoptive mother lying on the ground only a few feet away, bound by rope and desperately trying to break free but to no avail. "Claire! W-What's going on??" Her teeth rattled in fear as she frantically looked between all the women who hadn't paused in their chanting.

"I-I don't know.. but it's okay, baby. It's gonna be okay." Claire tried her best to soothe the terrified girl while fighting against the ropes digging into her skin.

"Our dark lord, we bring forth another child of the night." One of the women spoke up while the others continued to speak in tongues. She stepped forward and sprinkled some herbs across the fire in front of her. The flames flickered upwards with a ravenous hunger. "Let her sacrifice bring us closer to finding the mortifer."

The woman then lifted her veil to reveal a twisted smile on her dark lips and her eyes almost appeared black in the moonlight as she stared deep into Lucy's soul. It sent a horrifying chill down the young girl's spine.

"Don't you touch her you witch!" Claire screamed in fury as the woman pulled a long, decorated knife from the sleeve of her cloak.

Lucy's heart raced in her ears as she watched, frozen in fear, the witch step through the ring of fire completely unharmed. A shudder of a breath left her lip as her brown eyes followed the tip of the blade until it stopped right against the smooth flesh of her cheek.

"Dark lord, let her blood seep into the earth and make way for your harbinger of death." The witches chanting grew louder into a cacophony of incantations and Lucy let out an agonized cry as the knife sliced down her cheek from the corner of her eye to just below her bottom lip.

"Stop it!" Claire screamed again and this time managed to get one of her hands loose. She pushed herself onto her knees and threw a rock at the woman in front of her daughter.

A hiss left the witch's lips as she spun around and outstretched her clawed hand towards Claire, smirking as she began to gasp for air and gurgle on her own blood.

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