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Vinicius: Wake up girl its time to wake up now
(mel is your name)
mel:bro leave me alone dont you got a game at 1pm today with whats that team name.... oh! real madrid?
Vinicius:yeah im leaving now to go practice
Mel:ill meet you there byee
Vinicius:ok ok its already 6 be there by 8
Mel:oh gosh bye lemme go get ready!!!!!

-my brother then left the room to go to practice and i now woke up to go get ready ion lie being a footballers sibling be a hell of a ride gotta be there at their games to support them. buh ion care im always gone support him. i then went ahead to brush my teeth , showered up did my hair and wore sum gud for his practice and game today.

 i then went ahead to brush my teeth , showered up did my hair and wore sum gud for his practice and game today

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i lowkey love bellingham because his the greatest player buh im supporting my bro so. i drove to mc donalds to get a meal and drove to his training center . when i got there i could see all the players stopped and waved me even bellingham with a lil smile . i sat and waited until practice was done and went to there locker room where i ran into someone unexpected...-

??:heyy you must be vinicius sister
mel:oh sorry mb i must not be in here
??:its ight im bellingham btw
mel:omg one of the best players omg i love you sm!!!!! oh mb im to excited
jude:its ok if youre looking for vinicius his over there
mel:thank you jude
jude:you pretty fr
mel:awe thank you

i lowkey just talked to thee jude bellingham like bro omg im blushing rnnn until my brother interupted me.

vinicius:heyyy helloooo earth to my sister
mel:heyyyyy wassup
(ill call him vini for the rest of the story)
vini:jude got yu in your thoughts huh
mel:bro shut up you got a game to worry bout
vini:make sure yu have your pills you know how things can get wen you get to anxious
mel:yeah yeah go get ready for your game
vini:byeee be safe
mel:yeah good luck

i started to look for the pills buh i didnt see them which made me panic i stared to get anxious and worried because i never forget my pills so whats the prob now

jude:you ok yu look red
mel:*shaky voice*y-y-yeah im o-o-ok (i started to feel like i was going to faint)
jude:hey take these your probably anxious
mel:*takes the pills with water* omg thank you smm how did you know
jude:i just had an-
coach:jude hurry you know we need you bro
jude:my bad gotta go
mel:yeah bye

this man knew my issue buh how only my brother knows so how does he?? i just packed my stuff and headed to to stands before i got there i ran into jude agn. how many times im i gonna meet this man agn?

jude:hey im about to head to the game now
mel:do good for the team
jude:imma do good for you too ill make sure of that
mel:mhmm and what if yu dont
jude:ok if i do we will hang out tg if i dont yu get to pour cold water on me
mel:mhm deall
vini:lovebirds cut that short jude feild mel stands
mel:*pouts like a baby* you always baby me
jude:look at you *laughs*
mel:go hurry

jude then went to play and man this man is hot buh im not his gf or anything so . when the game was done they won 4-2 just two points ahead i was so happy for them i then went to their locker room. they were celebrating wen jude walked up to me picked me up and spinned me around saying we won. i was shocked so was everybody

jude:WE WON!!!!!!!!!
mel:yes you guys did *giggles*
jude:im so excited time to hang out ig
mel:oh shoot tdy
jude:yeah anything wrong
mel:oh no just asking
jude:ok ill pick you up at 8
mel:ok ill go get ready

i rushed home trying to see what i can wear i then found this i rushed in the shower and got out to dress

i then recieved a message from an unknown contact


be ready by 8 i told its 7 30 im on my way

how you know my number

your brother dummy

ohhhhhh ok

i then saved him as judy with a heart and teddy bear. i then went outside and waited for him he pulled up and his car fine ash . he got out and opened the door for me i said thank you what a gentleman. we then drove to his house and yowwww this house lowkey fireeeeee i needed pics. we then went in and chilled and sat down.

jude:place fine ash right
mel:true bro it is
jude:yeah just thought of bringing you here because i trust you not gonna try to put my adress over the media like my past ex
mel:oh shit you mean ella bro she did you dirty
jude:yeah was all over the news bro like
mel:yeah buh hows football wats going on with it
jude:it gud it gud you ight tho
mel:yeah yeah

we then talked to get to know each other it was fun he was fun like we created a bond buh i felt more than a bond i felt feelings wise buh didnt let that show . we watched black panther 2 and i loved it it was now 11pm and i was sleepin on his chest he brought me up to his room to sleep

-jude bellingham-

mel sleeps like a baby shes adorable im starting to like her buh idk if shes like the rest after my money alone so ill watch her closely. i then went to shower and put pjs on and went on the bed with mel i just cuddled with her. she was my only hope to find love agn if this dosent work out i will never trust a girl agn i really love her buh its to early to tell her that. time for me to sleep.


His Biggest fan -Jude bellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now