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i woke up hearing some grown men voices downstairs plus my brothers annoying laugh, o m g today they came to chilll at our house i forgotttt. i quickly got up from my bed and went to the bathroom,brushed my teeth,showered and then got dressed into some good and comfy

i then went downstairs to meet the guys and then saw maria which makes it more worse shes watching me and getting all comfy with him like i dont want you mannn girlll

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i then went downstairs to meet the guys and then saw maria which makes it more worse shes watching me and getting all comfy with him like i dont want you mannn girlll

vini:what a way to say good morning meliana
mel:good morning vini *smiles sacartically* hey the rest of you guys *real smile*
vini:maria wants to bathe and change let her use your room
mel:unt unt she can go over to her mans house and bathe girl not my room plus im going back up there
vini:just pleaseeeeeee
mel:ugh girl get up lets go.

she gets up and follows me to my room and then went to shower and get dressed then she approached me

mari:leave my man alone or else deven gonna have to come get you *smirks*
mel:how the hell you know about dev- WAIT you sent him at my house you son of a-

jude runs bursting in the room angry and vini following looking at me omg this girl lied i aint even touch her yo

mel:i didnt do nothing shes lying
jude:my girl never lies about anything
mel:i didnt hi-
vini:save it meliana you are getting out of hand
mari:yes you are so into jude yu wanto kill me for him *fakes being out of breath*

jude looks at me with open eyes i just stormed out of the house and drove off to the beach to sit and relax. i was always been lied on why now she really is being petty she lied on me i aint never touched her and if i did would never be for jude it was for sending deven after me how could she . she probably bailed him out to. i just sat there feeling hopeless my brother thinks im crazy jude thinks im a crazy girl over him who else gonna hate me. i then felt a presence by me it was someone i have never even seen in my life oh wait im being dramatic it was my brother vinicius

vini:i know you didnt hit her even jude knows that you could have tell so dont be here tryna beat yourself up
mel:*starts crying* i will always be a proble thats why mom and dad left huh because i was always self centered always stand up for things that dont make sense cause them to fight telling them what mommy said and what daddy said even deven i can see why i was so easy to get taken advantage of and its all my fault bc i was to blind to realise that ive been the problem and always going to be the problem i dont know why i didnt die in that accident i will always be the problem i will always be someones user when they are not able to get someone then get dropped like a bag of patatoes and trust me youll leave to because you are a footballer and im making you life worse than it is a-
vini:MELIANA ENOUGH OK! you are not the problem why mom and dad left ok stop beating up yourself for things that wasnt your fault deven was drunk and possesive yu were just weak at the time and didnt know what to do
mel:im just idk
vini:mel its ok lets go home and you go change tmr is your big day remember you cant be sad before your big dayyy so cheer up
mel:*laughs* you always know how to cheer me up thanks vini
vini:anytime lets go

we then got up and went in our private cars and drove home when i got home i saw jude buh maria not there when he pulled me and wanted to talk to me

jude:hey ik your saying marias my gf buh its not like that maria is my assistant and she likes me i just try to play along not to hurt her but i cant do it anymore i just think i need to tell you the truth shes no longer my assistant i let her go because i realised i have missed so much signs between us and you are specialll
mel:*smiles*thanks buh i want you to focus on your games rn not me
jude:true buh we can still hang out ??
mel:yes when ever yu need to but im going to my room now byeee
jude:bye princess

did he call me princesssssss???? omggg im blushingggg. i got up to my room and started watching baddies caribbean and yalll thisss showw litttt the fights the quarells yowww yall needa watch this it on zeus buh you gotta pay buh that aint an issue this shi fireeee. i then got up and went to the bathroom and took off my clothes and got in the shower i was tired eyes hurt and i needa rest o m g i just remembered my brother and them gotta games today yow againnnnn. (if yall wondering they were just at their home for 20 mins and then went to train for the game) i finished showered did my skincare and got dressed

 (if yall wondering they were just at their home for 20 mins and then went to train for the game) i finished showered did my skincare and got dressed

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i then drove to the game and waited for my boys to some out i then ran and took a pic with my boy jude to post on the gram



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good luck today bozos😭

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i then payed attention to the game hyping up my boysss and shiii you know alreadyyyy and then came the timeeee WE WONNNNN again and again we are the greatest at this point im there hype girl i should join the cheerleading team because whatttt. i ran to the locker room and hugged jude then vini.

me:yall did thttttttt
jude:*laughs*awww look at how happy you aree
vini:rightt we will celebrate more tmr plus we aint got no game so we gone celebrate your big dayy
jude:yeah youre gonna enjoy it
mel:you guys did welll im proud i even told yall good luck on the gram bozos
jude:princess yu didnt have too
mel:*smiles*i did
vini:awe look at the two of youuuuu

we then headed home and i was hella tired so i went take a shower and got into pjsss and went straight to bed i lied i was on my phone


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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