Chapter 3

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Three hours had passed. Kayla was on the floor of the airport sleeping some time away while Jordan sat next to her against the wall, continuing to read his book. Meanwhile, Joey and Kendall sat side by side making conversation. Kendall was no longer thinking of the flight delay, and she was completely focused on Joe who was making her laugh while Danny slept, And Jon and Donnie arm wrestled.

"So close!" Donnie groaned, slowly moving Jon's arm closer and closer to the table. Jon groaned pushing Donnie's arm the opposite direction, until his arm was centimeters from the small table the magazines were originally sitting on. Donnie then hit Jon with a comeback, forcefully pushing his arm to the other side finally getting Jon's arm to touch the table.

"Lucky try." Jon laughed. Donnie smirked.

"Not bad for a rookie..." Joe butt in.

"I know where this is headed, lets go little man!" Donnie joked. Joe stood up and winked flirtatiously at Kendall. He stood up, and walked over to Donnie, knowing he wouldn't win. He sat across from Donnie and they clasped their hands together.

"Ok, on my mark," Joe warned. Donnie nodded and waited for Joe's signal.

"Go." He said attempting to force Donnie's arm toward the table as quick as possible. Unfortunately for Joe, he was failing miserably as Donnie pushed Joe's arm back slowly inching toward the table. Then Joe surprised himself. He suddenly had a second boost of energy. He slammed Donnie's arm directly into the table with great force and stared right at Donnie who had the look of complete shock on his face. Joe was just as surprised as Donnie was. He won, he actually won against Donnie, and in front of a girl!

"What just happened?" Joe asked blankly. Donnie was now smiling.

"You won." Donnie replied. Joe smiled. He loved hearing that coming out of the mouth of Donnie, an undefeated arm wrestler. He never expected to actually win, he just wanted to see how long the match would last. Apparently long enough to get him to win. Joe stood up and sat back down next to Kendall who was shocked at what she'd just seen.

"That was so cool, Joe!" She exclaimed. Joe blushed.

"Thanks." He chuckled.


Kayla stirred in her sleep, her eyes slowly opened, and the first thing she saw was an airplane outside of the window. Then she remembered the flight delay. She propped herself up on her elbows and sighed in a disappointed tone. Jordan who was now looking through a magazine instead of a book, noticed her sigh, and looked down at her putting his magazine to the side.

"So I see you're awake." He chuckled. Kayla nodded.

"Yeah, what's the news with the flight?" She asked. Jordan shook his head.

"Nothing new, still delayed until further notice." He explained with a shrug of his shoulders. Kayla looked at the ground. Kayla's disappointment was then interrupted by another announcement by an employee at the gate.

"Can I please have everyone's attention? Due to the snow, all flights are now being cancelled, and roads are closed so no one will be leaving until late tomorrow afternoon. We're very sorry for any inconvenience, and we thank you for your patience." She said with a look of guilt as if she felt bad for them. Kayla's face went from disappointed directly to anger. She'd been waiting months for this trip, and it was all slammed shut on her! Jordan noticed her anger and put his arm around her while she sat against the wall, hugging her knees.

"Kayla? You ok?" Jordan asked. Kayla didn't say anything. She shook her head in response and put her face in her knees. Meanwhile Joe was with Kendall who was denying everything.

"That did not just happen!" She ranted, pacing back and forth in front of Joe who watched her.

"Aw, Come on Kendall, just accept it. The flights been cancelled and we can't leave." Joe said, hitting Kendall hard with the truth. She stopped fast and looked Joe square in the eyes, as reality hit her. Joe was right, and Kendall was devastated. She sat next to Joe and he put an arm around her. He tried talking to her, attempting to get her mind off of what had just happened, but nothing helped.


It was late that night. Everyone who happened to be gathered in the airport were now sleeping, or were talking amongst themselves before going to sleep.

"Kayla, can I talk to you?" Kendall asked, approaching Kayla who was staring at the ceiling of the airport. She sat up and gave her undivided attention to Kendall. They had been talking earlier and they had become pretty great friends.

"Sure, what's going on?" Kayla asked.

"Meeting Joe today was absolutely amazing... You know, he helped me today. He fact he actually started a conversation with me made the situation better. The way he made me laugh, and the conversations we had took my mind off of everything," She paused.

"Yeah?" Kayla gestured for Kendall to keep talking.

"I think I might have feelings for Joe... Does that seem weird? I just met him and I don't know how to tell him how I feel." Kendall finally said with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah... actually... I get where you're coming from..." Kayla replied looking at Jordan who was asleep next to her, as she said those six words.


Hey guys! Another short chapter, but just wait, things are about to get good! I'm really excited so keep reading and I'll be updating soon! and @inapplicablebro I hope y'all are enjoying reading this as much I love writing it! Stay tuned for more, y'all!

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