The break-up

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~un-known POV~
"Yes! Yes! I will!! Yes!!" A tear of joy streamed down her face as she received the ring, he got up and yelled as loud as he could in the restaurant, "SHE SAID YES!!" Mage looked to him, she just gazed into his eyes, this is him, the man that traveled, met you, and fell in love. you look at him, he just gazed at you, he leaned in and gave you a kiss. you kissed back. You both pulled away, the wedding would be taking place two months from now, but in the mean time, you both needed to plan.

~~time skip~~
Two months later
Un-known POV
"This is... it.." I let out a sigh, I was getting my dress fitted for the wedding, one of the ladies helping me get fitted looked up, "what's wrong sweetie? This should be the happiest day of your life." I looked down at her, not wanting to talk about the reasons I was nervous, "I know, I just... *sigh* I just don't think it's right..." she didn't respond, probably didn't know what to say. you got your bouquet and stood at the end of the isle with you dad, he was so proud of you, and there were so many people there... and yet there was still a huge knot in your stomach. I can't do this.. I thought.
Sean's POV
I stood in my dressing room, getting my tie done up, and getting ready to marry the girl of my dreams, "I can't wait." my best man, looked at me, "haha I bet. your a lucky man Sean." I looked at him and gave a smile, "thanks Mark." As I waited for my beautiful, soon to be wife, at the alter, I couldn't help but feel like something bad was going to happen. I shrugged it off, it was probably just because I was a bit nervous, I really hoped I don't screw this up. she began down the isle, she looked so beautiful. she finally got to the alter, and I just couldn't believe that I was going to be able to spend the rest of my life with this beautiful woman, j can finally and truly call her... mind. i smiled at the thought of that. we began to say our vows, but... when she was supposed to say "i do" she... she didn't say anything... I whispered, "ar-are you... Ok?" She just stared at me, and said the most heartbreaking thing to a man at the alter...
Sean's girlfriends POV.
I finally got there, the knot in my stomach was making me so nervous, I couldn't believe what I was about to do... when we began to say our vows... I didn't say anything... Sean leaned in and asked if I was ok. this is it, I have to do this. I thought. I looked at Sean, and I said it, "I-i can't" I ran from the alter. I looked back tears in my eyes, and I saw Sean, on his knees, crying as he saw me go... I can't believe I did this, but I had to. I couldn't have lived with him and let him find out.
Sean's POV
She ran from the alter, I quickly spun, only to see that she was running from the alter, I fell to my knees, I watched her leave, she looked back, I had tears streaming down my face. "why?" I said through small sobs. mark came over and put a hand on my shoulder, "I'm so sorry bud. you don't deserve this." I quickly spun around to mark and buried my face in his chest as I cried. I sat there for about two minutes, not moving, just hugging Mark, crying into his chest. "why..." I went home after wards and when I opened the door... my heart shattered yet again. I looked around my apartment and remembered I had decorated it for when we came home. "we" I said. no now it was just me. I began tearing it all down, I was so enraged, I tore everything down. I then realized that I broke a picture frame, I picked it up to see who it was. and I broke down crying, it was a picture of... us... I sat there with the picture to my chest, I lied there, curled up into a ball holding the picture and crying myself to sleep on the floor of my trashed and dark apartment. "she's gone..." I cried even harder at the thought of that. I finally fell asleep, curled in a ball, holding only the fragments of what remained of my now broken life. she was really gone.
~next morning~
Marks POV
I decided to see how Sean was doing, I drove down to his apartment and knocked on his door, he didn't answer. I tried again, still no answer, I reached on top of the door frame and felt around, "aha!" I grabbed the spare key Sean hid up there, and I walked into his dark apartment. I turned a light on, and I looked around at the trash everywhere. there were white streamers all over the floor, a banner that read "just married!" Dangling from the ceiling, or at least half of it was. I looked around for Sean. I saw a broken frame on the ground, I picked it up to see it was a picture of the two of them. "poor guy" i then noticed that on a few of the pieces there was... blood? I ran upstairs to see Sean curled up on his bed, "Sean? Buddy? You ok?" He didn't answer. "Sean? Hey, are you ok?" Sean slowly turned to face me, he had bags under his eye. "he-hey mark." he say up, and slumped over. "I'm so sorry bud. how are you holding up?" "He looked at me. I went and sat beside him. "Sean?" He turned to me and hugged me and began crying. "she's gone Mark! Why did she leave?!" He began to cry even harder. "Sean, why don't you go take a walk, get some fresh air, get away from the memories. I'll clean up your place so you won't come back to that, ok?" Sean gave me a nod, he headed to his bathroom and came out a few minutes later, he was shirtless, and he came to his room and grabbed his septic eye shirt, and threw his blue hoodie on over it. he walked out of the house, and I went downstairs and began cleaning.
Sean's POV
I walked down my street and the turned and went to a different road, I began walking down a bridge. he stopped and stood out looking at the view of the lake. I climbed to the tops of the stone, and looked down at my doom, my death. "I don't want to go on any longer, not without her." I was about to jump when someone had pulled me back, I fell to the road, I quickly turned realizing what I was about to do. "thank you... you Sa-" I stopped mid sentence when I looked up to see my rescuer. she was so beautiful. her hair was black, and it was short, but her eyes, I couldn't stop looking at her eyes, they were the most beautiful Colour of hazel brown I have ever seen. she looked at me and asked if I was ok, I just couldn't stop staring, she gave a little chuckle and smiled, her smile, it was so beautiful on her. she was so beautiful. "Th-thank you." I finally spoke. "you saved my life." she just looked at me. "no problem, I would hate to see someone leave this world. even if I don't know them." I stood up and helped her up, "Sean, my names Sean. a lot of people know me as jack though." She smiled even brighter than the last time, "I'm emma, nice to meet you jacksepticeye!" She gleamed with joy at the thought of meeting me. it was kind of cute. "I-I know we just met and everything...but do you.. want to get a coffee it something? My treat." "sure." so we walked to the nearest coffee shop and had a wonderful conversation. I think I really like this girl. but I don't know if I can move on yet. I mean I just got left at the alter yesterday. but... Maybe I should move on. maybe. I'll have to see.

will Sean move on? Is he ready? Will his ex return? Will he end up with her again? What will happen? I guess you'll have to wait and see... ;)

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