The stories

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Now, payback is a bad bitch
and baby, I'm the baddest
You fuckin' with a savage,
can't have this, can't have this (Ah)
And it'd be nice of me to take it easy on ya,
but nah
Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)
Baby, I'm sorry (I'm not sorry)

~ Sorry not sorry Demi Lovato ~

˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆

As a child, every story I read ended with "and they lived happily ever after".
But if growing up has taught me anything, it's that not every book has a happy ending, and despite not ending happily, people still read those stories. Why? Because people don't read for the ending, they read for the many chapters between the beginning and the end, where happiness, and adventure are found.

Sometimes I like to imagine that my life is going to end with 'happily ever after', but I know that it won't happen.
I know that in the end my story won't be read for the happy ending.
My story will be remembered for the blood filled chapters, because the reality is that hunters rarely get to live past twenty five, and they never have their happily ever after.
But a girl can dream right?

At this point daydreaming is the only thing I can do because sitting in an alleyway waiting on a target at two in the morning, is dull. Even with a gun full of wooden bullets which have been soaked in vervain, and the thrill of the hunt.
Waiting on a vampire is boring.

My eyes turn towards the right wall when the music's volume increases, just in time to see the back bar door open into the alley, a man and woman exit, the man is slowly backing out the door while simultaneously keeping his hands on the woman's waist and kissing her. The woman has her hands under his shirt looking like she's going to remove the fabric any moment.
'Well this is just revolting.'

I slowly walk towards the pair and clear my throat announcing my presence, but there's seemingly no response from either of them.
"I am terribly sorry for breaking up this lovely make out session, but I have a gift for A-"
I look up racking my brain, trying to remember the damn name. Damnit why can't I ever remember names
"-well I guess the name doesn't matter, let's just say I have a gift for the lovely lady with the red hair."

The redhead looks up from Jeremiah showing her vampire face on full display for all the world to see.
'Eeeeeewww put that away'

Jeremiah finally looks at me, he seems to have a certain spark in his eyes, I recognize that look, it's the same one I always have when hunting. My brother is enjoying the thrill of the hunt. (At least I hope that's it)

"Who the hell are you?" Turning my attention towards the questioner I smile at the redhead before doing a dramatic bow "Claire Bowman at your service"
the vamp looks me up and down before turning back to my brother, fangs extended seemingly dismissing me.
'well that's just rude'

"I wouldn't if I were you." I state softly as she starts to smell my brother's neck
'that's revolting, I know for a fact that he forgot to shower this morning.'
I guess his unhygienic ways don't deter a vampire, because she quickly bites into his neck, then she's screaming in pain due to the vervain in his blood.
'bro I even warned you'

The redhead vamp turns to me furiously, probably thinking that I am the one to blame for her pain. She likely came to that conclusion after seeing the gun aimed at her, because she starts laughing.
"Now this is funny, a human thinks that she can beat me with small led bullets."

Fully vamped out, she speeds towards me. At her sudden movement, I adjust my stance quickly aiming and firing a shot, purposely only grazing her heart.
The shock of the wooden bullet brings her to her knees, head bowed in pain.

Leaning down I tilt her chin so she's looking into my glowing golden eyes
"You're right, a creature like you isn't brought to their knees from a form of metal. Nope metal won't do. But a small twig? A tiny flower? Those are your destruction."

Hearing my brother's approach I let go of her chin and instead grab the long dagger which was hidden in the alleyway earlier that morning.

"You bitch that hurt"
Glancing at my brother I give him the dagger, and watch as he grabs a chunk of her hair, it doesn't take him more than a second to find his target. Quickly he slides the sharp blade through her neck, successfully decapitating the vamp.

Some may ask why we go through the mess of detatching the head, and the answer is simple. It is because we don't need any of the people we kill to come back to haunt us.

After dropping the head next to the rest of the body he hands me back my knife.
"You know you didn't have to have a whole make out session with the vamp, you could have lured her out here some other way."
'You could have spared my poor eyes!'

Jeremiah glances up from the now dark red haired vamp and studies my face with amusement.
"You can shoot and watch the decapitation of a person, not even think twice about it, but watching me kiss said person makes you want to tear your eyes out?"


"You're hopeless"
After stating his opinion, he straightens to his full height and turns before he hurriedly starts walking towards the other end of the alley.

Towards MY car.

'that son of a bitch is gonna take my car'
I stand up from my crouch glaring at him. "Get your ass back here! You made this mess and still have to clean it up! You are not leaving me to do the cleaning again!"

He turns around, but is still walking, just backwards this time. He has a stupid grin on his stupid face as he reaches the car.
"Thanks sis you're the best."
Then the little shit gets into my car and drives off.

'what made you think it a good idea to give your asshole brother a key to your car?'
'Oh shut up dumb ass.'
'Bitch you just called yourself a dumbass!'

I am going to murder him.
When I get home I am going to fucking murder my brother.

Now how the hell am I supposed to dispose of a decapitated body with a semi-fatal bullet wound in the middle of DC?

˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆

After searching the length of the alley I've managed to find a plastic bin which barely fits the body, but it will work for its temporary purpose.

After double checking to make sure that the bin doesn't look like it has a dead vamp in it, I carry it to the side of the street and start looking for a cab. Thankfully despite the early hour a yellow cab pulls over rather quickly, and parks close by so that I can slide into the back row with the bin.

"Where to miss?" I look up into the mirror to see the driver's eyes and quickly reply with my destination. When he drops his eyes from the mirror I do too, and a black scarf catches my eye, it's just lying on the floor of the cab so I grab it and shove it into my hoodie pocket.

After an awkwardly silent fifteen minute drive with only the sounds of traffic the cab driver pulls over at the address which I requested so that I can get out.

Grabbing the temporary coffin I set it on the sidewalk before leaning through the open window where the driver waits for his payment.
"Thanks for the ride"
I hold out a $50 for the driver then smile "keep the change."

The driver's eyes widen slightly at the bill before he grabs the money and drives off.

Inhaling a deep breath I pick up the bin and start walking up the steps while lightly humming Demi lovato's song Sorry not sorry.

Now it's time for my sweet revenge.

˚☽˚。⋆𓃦 ˚☽˚。⋆

I hope you guys will like Claire! If you don't like her that's fine.
Just stop reading this fanfic and ✨POOF✨ she's gone!

Don't forget to like and comment!

- 1413 words

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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