//.chapter one.//

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Janie's p.o.v~

The dreadful sound of my alarm clock woke me up. Today's my first year as a junior, oh and i forgot to mention I'm Janie. Everyone thinks I'm your basic 'goody goody' or whatever, but I can tell you I like adventure every now and then. Just as I was walking down stairs from getting ready i fell on the second to last step.

'what the heck omg!' i yelled as i put my hand on my forehead. Well that's a great way to start off my first day of school.

'Janie honey are you okay? my mom yelled from the kitchen just as i was getting up.

'Yeah i guess i mean no one even cared to come over and help me and oh yeah i have a huge bruise on my forehead, but yeah im totally okay. i said as i went over to the freezer to get a ice pack for my head.

'oh hmm yeah' my mom said as she was to busy focusing on putting on her makeup. Just in the middle of that my step dad, James, walked in.

'whoa Janie what happened to you? he said as he walked towards me to try to look at my forehead.

'I'm okay ill just cover it up with makeup or something." I said as walked towards the backpack hooks to pick up my back pack.

'Oh wait Janie you haven't eaten !" my mother said as she put down her makeup.

'Ill grab something on the way to school." i said as i picked up my car keys and walked out the door. Its not like i don't like school, its just to early in the morning for me. I finally reached the front of my schools parking lot and parked my car and headed in. Just as i left the front office receiving my courses, i ran into my group of friends.

'Janie!!!!!!!!!' my friend abbey, well Abigail, squealed as she pulled me into a strong hug. 'I missed you so much! how was your trip around Europe?! also note i went to Europe the whole summer.

'You know it was fun i guess." i said as sighed a little.

' I have FANTASTIC news! jasmine said as she was jumping up and down.

'what is it this time?' Alyssa was saying as she rolled her eyes.

' well since you all know that Liam is a member at my country club we totally spent the whole entire summer together! by swimming and playing tennis it was so much fun! And he has the nicest body EVER! jasmine finished almost out of breath.

'Wait hold up you spent the whole entire summer with Liam Payne one of the most hottest seniors! You hung out with seniors omg! abbey said in shock. Just as she was finishing her thought as cliche this sounds harry styles, Louis, Niall and Liam walked down the hall way. Just as harry walked by me i saw him wink. And i felt my face turn red.

'OMG! harry literally just winked at you know way omg! jasmine said as she jumped up and down.

'Okay chill. i laughed a little.

'he totally thinks your cute! abbey said as she nudged me.

'just because he winked at me doesn't mean he thinks im cute, he maybe had something in his eye! i said.

' But if he did do you think hes cute?' jasmine said as she looked at me with excitement.

'Yeah' I said as i small smile spread across my face.

'ugh what ever' Alyssa said as she walked off.

'whats wrong with her? abbey said.

' who knows, im going to class see you guys at lunch.' I said as I walked off and headed for homeroom. The classes past until it was lunch time. I got my tray and was looking around for my friends in this jungle of a cafeteria. I spotted them and went to sit down. As we talked amougnest each other about classes and each others summers, I felt two big hands wrap around my waist. I nearly chocked on my juice as i saw it was the one and only harry styles.

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