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-Rydin's POV-

I jolted awake, a sharp pain in my side from how fast I got up, I winced, before I sat up. I frantically looked around, I was leaning on a tree, I didn't recognise the place I was currently in, there was a stream infront of me, a waterfall supplying the water. I winced again, holding onto my side, I looked around, who the hell saved me? I ran a hand through my hair, which was a bit tangled. A sudden voice made me jump. 'Oh, you're awake.' I looked up, and saw a boy he had a deep voice, silver, long hair, sharp lime eyes, tanned, he was kind of, hot.. wait what?! I'm not gay. I nodded slowly. 'Yeah... who are you?' I asked nervously, I wasn't fond of strangers, especially ones who pick me off the forest floor. 'You can call me Xavier, why were you on the ground last night?' The stranger, now known as Xavier asked.

'Uhm, I got lost.' I replied hesitantly. I examined him, then I only realised, his pointy ears, with dangling earrings and got a tiny bit worried, who knows if he intends to kill me! He noticed me looking. 'Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you.' He reassured, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. 'Are you an elf?' I questioned, admiring his appearance, there might as well be stars as my pupils. He nodded. My jaw dropped, I'd probably need someone to fix that. I was face-to-face with an Elf?! 

'That's...' I paused to find the right words to my acknowledgement, before he interrupted me. 'Weird?' He finished, I frowned, shaking me head. 'Don't lie.' He said. 'You find me weird...' I shook my head again. 'No, that's really cool, I've always been a fan of fantasy stuff.' I smile at him, I could see some pink had dusted his cheeks. 'Oh. Thanks, is your wound better?' He asked pointing at my side. So that was what it was... 'Oh, uhm, what happened?' I asked quietly, fidgeting with my fingers. He chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. 'Well, uhm, not trying to scare you but you almost died.' My face turned visibly pale. 'Don't worry, I saved you and you're alive.' He pat my hair and paused. 'Woah, your hair is really soft.' He stared in awe. My face turned red, I was embarrassed, swiping his hand off my hair. 'D-don't do that.' I muttered, my face returning to normal.

'Oh, I apologise, do you not like people touching your hair?' He asked, rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed. 'Yeah, I don't really like people doing it.' I lied. 'I think I should find my camp.' I remembered, standing up. Only to be sat down by Xavier pushing me down. 'What the fuck-' I stared at him in shocked, his hands were actually warm, I narrowed my eyes, getting a bit worried at his actions. 'Stay for a bit, that wound needs to heal.' He lectured, I sighed, before complying to him. 'Fine.' I huffed, crossing my arms.

 We talked for a few hours, before a loud yell happened. 'RYDIN!?!' I froze on the spot, my name. And that voice... Quinn? I stared back at Xavier. 'I think you should head back to them now.' He said, I nodded, standing up and dusting myself off. 'Thanks for your help, Xavier.' I smiled softly, he nodded. I walked off. Trying to find them, my feet squishing the leaves underneath, I spotted five silhouettes, Jonathon, Quinn, Rowan, Flora and... Jules.. 'Rydin! Where were you!?' Jules pounced on me, I yelped. 'We were worried sick!' She ruffled my hair. And I chuckled softly at it. 'I got lost, but hey, I'm here now. Can we go back?' They all nodded, Quinn helped me up, and we headed back to the camp, I was relieved that we were going back, but I couldn't help but think of the Elf Boy.

-Xavier's POV

That boy, Rydin... was different. I shook my head, get him out of your mind Xavier! Humans are dangerous to elves. Well, at least that was what Uncle said, he said that Auntie died because of humans, I don't know if he was being paranoid or telling the truth and warning us. I looked around, engulfing the nature characteristics, then I notice a book on the ground, I picked it up carefully, as it could be a trap, though it wasn't. I sighed in relief, and stared at it, there was a name on the front of the book: Rydin Evergreen Loid, I traced over the letters. Then, I cautiously opened the book, inside the book were series of gorgeous drawings, I stared at them astonished, he drew all of these? I flicked through the pages, and one caught my eye. There were written words: 'My Family,' I whispered to myself, why would Rydin have this page? I scanned the page, this wasn't a drawing. It was a picture. It had a Brown-haired woman, smiling, wearing glasses, and was wearing red lipstick, a girl, in the middle, who had a blonde fringe, brown hair, blue eyes and grinning, she was piggybacking a boy. Rydin? He had Brown hair, blue eyes and freckles, a girl stood next to him, blonde hair, blue eyes and dimples. On the back-right corner, there was a scribble, as if to cover someone. But why? I looked at the page, there were names and ages on-top of the family's picture. I read the words in my mind: 'Family photo: Tanya Loid: 34. That must be the mother.' I continued reading. 'Arnold Loid: 35, probably the dad, why was he scribbled out though?' I shook my head, and continued on. 'Rose Loid, 12. That must be his sister.' I stared, and began to read the next part. 'Linda Loid, 10, second sister?' I sucked in some air, before reading the next part, 'Rydin Loid, 7. He's the youngest child? I couldn't imagine...' Then, there was a date at the bottom of the page; Picture taken: 9/5/2014. 'So. he's 17? He's my age.' I turned to the next page


A piece of paper fell out, titled: 5/11/2016, the incident. There was a paragraph, seems like it was written in Rydin's perspective. '5th of November, 2016. Was my birthday, I should've been excited. I really was, the day before. I was jumping around on my bed. But that day changed everything. That night, we were getting ready to get the cake out when me, my Mum, and Rose, my oldest sister, heard a toe-curling scream, from the garage. We rushed there, only to find the person I once called my dad with a knife. My Mum screamed so loud, it would scare a lion. I looked at the ground, only to see Linda. I started to cry, Rose covered my eyes from the gruesome scene. Linda, was dead. Stabbed, blood seeped out, and we knew my 'father' was going to target me or Rose next. I knew it, but before he ran at me and Rose. Our Mum grabbed a gun from a shelf and shot him. I remember that gunshot. It's scarred me for life. I will not forget that day. Linda was only fucking 12. And that day, I was standing less than 50 meters from her corpse. We had two dead bodies in one room, not one, but two. Our Mum never got sentenced, as it was ruled as self-defense. I wonder what would've happened if Mum didn't react so quickly. Would he go for me, or Rose? I still have nightmares till this day of Linda. I miss her. But I hope the person I once thought as my own father rots in hell.

(a/n: This made me sick to the stomach typing. I hope no one suffers this and if you do, I give my condolences to you.)

(a/n: Rydin having a full on gay crisis here though-)

Word count: 1348

Next chapter out now! ♡

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