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THERE she was stood infront of overhaul Toga and Twice on either side of her.

"My name's Toga and i was told to come here. Hiya." The monotomous tone in her voice was abnormal for her character, atleast Ryoko had never heard her not sounding oddly cheerful.

"Long time no see, Birdman. Be warned. I'll never forgive you." Twice proudly spoke. Then he switched "So happy to be on the team!"

"I have no clue who you are. I also got told to come here." Ryoko scratched the back of her neck with a sheepish smile.

Chisaki looked at the trio "Whonderful."

A man with a buff build spoke, he looked like he could beat all three of them to a pulp woth minimal difficulty. "The League of Villains? This is perfect. Let's brawl!"

"No thank-" The redheads words were quickly interrupted.

"I'll kill you." Twice mutteredbh.

"Yeah, no thanks." Ryoko repeated as Toga spoke too, the girls ended up speaking at the same time. They both looked at eachother.

Chisaki began to tap on his temple "Sorry about the whole Magne thing. It's unfortunate, i didn't want to kill him."

"You mean her." The masked man corrected.

"Don't make that mistake again." Himiko added, a threatening tone dripping from her words.

They seemed to really care about Magne, Ryoko was lost in her thoughts for a few moments, The League seemed close, like a family, something she had always yearned for. Always wanted, and had for a bit.. The League never leaves her alone - even though she isn't a member. Would they care about her? Would anyone?

The girl was snapped out of her thoughts "Anyway." Chisaki ignored their words "This is no time to be holding grudges against each other, we're on the same team now. I want your help with my plan."

"No shit. That's why we're here." Ryoko crossed her arms, raising a brow at Chisaki.

Twice began to ramble about Chisaki before he switched "So what are my orders?"

"Just follow my instructions like everyone else in the organisation. But first thing's first, i want the details of your Quirks. It'll be easier for us to work together if i fully understand what you can do."

"I think i'll tell you about my powers when you need to know about them." The blonde spone, her usual cheerful tone was evident but fake. "Oh, and just so we're clear. I still don't like you people." Her eyes narrowed.

"So much for making a good impression. Don't underestimate the Yakuza!" One of the Yakuza's members yelled.

"I agree with Toga." Twice held his hand in the air "We'll tell you when we feel like it."

"I third this." Ryoko spoke up.

"You won't get nothing out of me. No way. My lips are sealed." Twice quickly spoke.

"What is your Quirk?" Another one of the  members asked.

"I can make doubles of anything. For it to work i need a precise image in my head. Yep, that means height, chest measurement and shoe size if it's a person. You name it, i need it. Gotta have as much info as possible. Only then can i make one thing into two. The main difference between the doubles and the real thing is durability, they just kinda melt if they're knocked around too much. I can make doubles of up to two things at once. The damage the second object can take is even lower. Also, for personal reasons i refuse to make copies of myself. Got it?"

Ryoko stared at Jin, eyes widened. "Lips sealed, my ass." She muttered.

Twice then came to his realisation "Huh? What just happened? It's like i couldn't stop the words from coming."

"Wow. That was pretty stupid." The blonde girl deadpanned.

"It wasn't me, Toga! i swear!" Twice argued back.

The Yakuza member spoke again; this time directed at Toga "And you?"

"If i drink someone's blood. I can turn into them. Whatever i take in turns into energy. So the more i drink, the longer i can hold onto the form. One cup allows me to look and sound like someone for about a day. Plus if i drink a buncha different people's blood at the same time. I can turn into any of them! I can recreate their clothes, too. But they get layered under my own, so it helps to get naked before i transform, which can be a little embarrassing sometimes."

Toga brought her hands up to her mouth and looked at Ryoko, Twice looked at Ryoko too. "My turn next?" Ryoko sarcastically asked.

"What's your Quirk?" The member spoke for the last time.

"I can control people's blood by just placing my hand on them, somethings take less strain on my body such as short uses of my quirk like popping arteries or causing clots. Though my Quirk can be used in many ways, like in the medical field it could be used to slow down severe bleeding or to remove clots. Thougb if i use my Quirk for too long i get lightheaded and my own body starts to bleed, it's really quite gruesome, but my Quirk allows me to work well with Himiko Toga." Ryoko blurted "That was a lot."

"See?" Twice teased.

"One more thing," the Yakuza member spoke for the last time. "Did Shigaraki say anything about betraying us?"

The trio all said something along the lines of "No."

"Okay then," Chisaki got up from his chair. "I'll accept you as members of the Hassaikai now. But wanted criminals like you need to stay put of sight. Unless i say otherwise, don't leave the underground facilities."

"House arrest?!"

"Awh, that sounds super lame!"

"How have i got myself into this?"

"One i trust you a little more, you cam do what you want. But you'll have to prove yourselves." Overhaul spoke as he walked towards the door, shutting it as he walked out.

Some small Yakuza member began to preach at them about the Hassaikai, Ryoko wasn't paying much attention. Neither were the other two.

This was boring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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