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-Xavier's POV-

I felt like I could puke, his so called 'dad' did that? Rydin had to live with his sister dying when he was only 9. Not only that, it was his fucking birthday. 'Xavier? Time to come in now.' His Dad yelled, echoing from a cottage on the hill. 'Coming!' He closed the book, and stuffed it in his side-bag. He stood up and climbed the hill, opening the door and closing it. 'So, who was that kid earlier?' His Dad asked, staring at Xavier with his arms crossed. 'He better not be a human.' Xavier tensed, trying to find the right words. 'He's not a human, well, at least, never told me what he was.' He said, just loud enough for his Dad to hear.

'Oh come on dear, don't stress your son out too much.' His Mum chuckled from the kitchen. It was only then, when Xavier inhaled the savor scent of lasagna. 'Are you making lasagna?!' Xavier's face turned into a excited grin, him and his Dad walked to the kitchen, where his younger brother, Ethan sat in a chair, colouring like there was no tomorrow. Xavier sat next to him, nudging him softly. 'What cha doin'?' His brother looked up and his face was beaming with brightness. 'Colouring a picture of our family!' Excitedly showing his older brother a picture of stick-figures, which resembled their family. As Xavier looked at it, his face went pale, remembering Rydin's family picture. 'Are you good?' The sudden words from his brother had slapped him back into reality. 'Uhm! Yeah, I'm fine.' He smiled. 

'Take a seat everyone, dinner is ready.' His Mum smiled, placing plates of lasagna infront of everyone. Everyone dug in, well, except Xavier dug in. 'This really good!' His brother beamed excitedly. 

'Xavier? Darling, your dinner is going to get cold if you keep picking at it.' His Mum's words snapped him out of a trance he didn't even know he was in. He smiled. 'Sorry, I'm just a bit tired today.' He lied, but his Mum nodded, he began to eat the food that was prepared, but his mind couldn't help but trail back to Rydin. After dinner, Xavier insisted he'd wash the dishes, which his mother thought was really thoughtful of him, but in reality, he only did it to get Rydin of his mind. After he finished, he headed into his room, the crickets made their noises, which annoyed him, but he didn't bother, he was listening to all the critters night noises, before drifting into a hopefully-peaceful sleep, but oh boy, all night he was thinking of Rydin.

-Rydin's POV-

After we got out the camp, I was bombarded with questions, which I obviously answered all of them. We packed up our equipment and hopped into the car, Jonathon driving this time, which I had protested, because we all knew that Jonathon could crash the car. Bur was shut up in the end, my house was closest, only being a 5 minute drive. I hopped out. 'See you guys! Sorry for going missing yesterday.' I chuckled the last bit. They all said bye, before speeding off. I sighed, grabbing the keys out of my pocket and trying to find the correct one, once I did, I unlocked the door and the warmth punched me in the face. I stepped in, just as the weather was about to become extremely chilly. I could hear chatter from the living room/kitchen, two familiar voices that I loved oh-so-much. 'Mum, Rose, I'm home!' I shouted, closing the front door and locking it, the jingle of keys dangling off from the ring. There was running feet, and I turned around, a Rose was running right at me! But she stopped, just as she was about to slam into my poor old body, that was apparently almost torn apart. 'Hey Rose.' I smiled, slightly looking down so I could see her, even though she was older, she had definitely grew shorter over the years. 'Hey lil bro! Mum made apple pie.' She grinned, I didn't believe her, until I took a big whiff, the sweet scent of apple pie filled my nostrils. 'Yum!' I gasped, dropping my bag, and dashing down the hallway my eyes sparkling with excitement. Rose followed behind. I sat myself in a chair, Rose occupied me, sitting next to me. There was a small 'ding!' My mum grabbed the mitts and opened the oven, the sweet jam and apple from the apple pie hit my like a ball to the face. I kicked my feet. 'It smells good!' I beamed. Mum set in on a coaster near the counter to cool off first, which I whined to. 'Alright, whilst you wait, you should take a shower.' Mum stated, taking off her mitts. I made an 'o' shape. 'Yeah I should. I smell like a bunch of eggs.' I stood up, pushing my chair in (a/n: yes guys, this kid has fuckin' manners!) I walked up the stairs and took a quick shower, throwing on a hoodie and some sweats, before walking down. There was a slice of apple pie served on a plate infront of my seat. I hopped down the stairs, sitting on the chair, before digging in. The three made small talk, while eating the pie. I basically gobbled it down, showing how hungry I was.

I stood up and put the dishes in the sink. 'Night.' I called, walking quickly up the stairs. I walked to my room, and grabbed my door handle, before hesitantly pushing it down and opening, the scent that smells like me hit me like a frying pan. I stared at my bed, before swinging the door shut and pouncing on my bed. Oh how I would've killed to be back on this fluffy monstrosity. And pulled the blanket over my body, giving me the warmth I really needed. I closed my eyes, and suddenly all the memories of Xavier flooded back. I slammed one of my pillows onto my face and groaned, why couldn't I get him out my mind?! There was a knock at my bedroom door. 'Ry, you okay in there?' I let out a breath I didn't know I was even holding, it was Rose. 'Yeah, I'm gonna sleep now. Good night.' I replied back. I remembered,  he wasn't just an ordinary boy. He was a fucking Elf Boy.

(a/n: say it with me, GAY)

Word Count: 1070

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