Chapter 20 | Girlfriend?!

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Oh my God!

He has a girlfriend?!

And yet he has been flirting around, kissing me!

"Why are you still standing there like that?" Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Uh what?"

"Move your stupid ass out of my way and never come back again." She rolls her eyes, earning a shocked look from me.


As much as I would love nothing more than to walk away from her slappable face right now, I just couldn't shrug her rudeness away.

Like who does this girl think she is going around insulting people? Nobody talks to me like that so this gives me a huge urge to just stubbornly stand my ground and piss her off even more.

"And why would I do that?" I counter, wincing my face and folding my arms.

"Sweetie, just take my advice and walk away..." Her voice suddenly sounds calmer but full of cynicism.

"You don't want to start a war with me." She plays with her hair and I can't help but be bothered a tad.

"You are just lucky to be alive that day..."

"And I'm afraid it will not remain true if you keep testing my patience."

I clear my throat and budge on my feet slightly.

"You are pathetic!" I crane my neck.


"If he really loves you then what are you afraid of?" I continue, locking gaze with her as she eyes me intently, neither of us seems to be backing out.

"Unless it's another way around and he's getting tired of your bitchy little attitude..."

"I don't see why you need to act like a mad woman about it." I shrug and beam satisfyingly.

Her mouth forms into an "o" shape and it looks like she's about to say something, but I shut her right away.

"I'm sorry but I'm not interested in your man."

"Unless he's interested in me-"

"There is no need for you to be all worked up." I fling my hair in the air and begin walking past her, holding my head high.

I quicken in pace after passing her, I need to get away before she stops being speechless and starts to attack me from behind or something.

That woman is definitely not in her right mind and I was genuinely constantly worried about my dear life the entire conversation...

❁ ❁ ❁

"So after you got her here..." Hassan slides into the conversation.

"Did you like-"

"Fire up the bedroom with her or something?" He playfully asks.

"What?!" A voice makes everyone bat their eyes over.

Aubrey walks to stand next to Damon.

"Aubrey? What are you doing here?" Damon asks with a surprised face.

"You fired up the bedroom with who?!" She starts yelling at him.

Shit is going down, Jolene smiles and thinks to herself.

❁ ❁ ❁

I can't believe it.

What have I done to get into such a mess.

Being the third person in someone else's relationship is never what I thought I would be.

She didn't know about it and I feel like...

Have I ruined someone's relationship?


I shouldn't feel bad for her!

She was extremely rude and disrespectful towards me.

She deserves it.

But bruh, like he really has some serious problems to choose that girl to be his girlfriend in the first place.

But it's not my business.


Wait, no.

It partly is since I'm also involved?

Ugh, shame on me.

What was I thinking? Kissing him at the bar?

Well, I was drunk at that time so there's alcohol to blame.

But even in my sober state I still want him to kiss me??

Damn girl, you need to get laid, Rosalie.


Okay, now I need to find the laundry to fetch my clothes and then head home.

But where the hell is that?

❁ ❁ ❁

"Tell me!" She stomps her feet.

"I don't have to tell you anything." He crosses his arms, scowling his face.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't..."

"So what? It doesn't concern you." He shrugs.

"And don't fucking yell at me like that!" He snaps, glaring at her disdainfully and she shudders.

"Okay, okay... I'm sorry..." She stutters, lowering her voice.

"Why are you here?" He asks.

"What do you mean?"

"I come here like what I usually do every day."

"You always call me over don't you?" She winks and inches closer to him.

❁ ❁ ❁

"I can't believe this girl..." Catalina looks through her phone, texting Rosalie furiously.

"She better not be getting back with that jerk or something..."

She takes a deep breath, her fingers pausing a bit on the screen as she ponders.

"Shit, she better be fine and well though..."

❁ ❁ ❁

Aubrey inches closer and closer, aiming for his lips and all he does is trying to pull her away from him, getting visibly more irritated with every passing second.

"I have missed you." She pouts.

Sam and Hassan look at each other silently before looking in the opposite direction, shaking their heads at the sight of Aubrey and Damon.

Liam casually slurps coffee from his cup, looking unbothered as he only glues his eyes to the newspaper.

And then there is Jolene, staring into the void with a numb face. As though she has realized something, she turns around and starts to go somewhere covertly to avoid being noticed.

Then unexpectedly, a deafening gunshot booms throughout the mansion along with a horrifying screech from Rosalie that startles everyone.

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