Chapter 2 In the mind of Allie

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Today it's my birthday and I'm really excited. I'm having a birthday party and I've invited all of the Converse Gang. We're going to my house then the cinema, but we have to get the bus to the cinema. They're coming in an hour.
It's time I'm so excited everyone turned up together. We ate, drank and sang but it was time to get the bus. Everyone was so excited and ready to go.
It was ten minutes into the the bus journey when the bus crashed..... IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE!!!

To be continued......

Hi it's pineapplelover7 I hope you enjoyed the second chapter of my book. Vote, like and comment. Shoutout to lemonadequeen for helping me. Don't forget to check out lemonadequeen's story Tanya's hunger games. Until next time bye.

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