But you said.. Part 1

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Five years ago..

Alison was in third week of college. It was fall and it was starting to get chilly outside. The leafs was now a warm orange/red color and had started to fall. She walked as fast as she could so she could meet her bestfriend Hanna for a morning coffee befor her class started. They would always meet at this little cute coffee shop called "Friends and coffee" ten minutes away from campus.
She could see Hanna waiting for her outside waving.

"Good morning Hanna" Alison says with a smile. "Good morning to you too" Hanna says. "So how was your date last night?" Hanna smirks. "Ohh.. Umm it was ok". Alison turned to the cashier to place her order. "Just ok? What? He was like super cute, nice and he had a sense of humour." Hanna said shocked. She really thought that Alison woukd like Peter. He had some classes with Hanna and was so nice and had told her that he kind of liked Alison.
"Yeah well.. There weren't any sparks and I'm not into dating this semester, so." Alison sights.

She had gone on the date with Peter for Hanna. She knew she wouldn't fall for him on the first date. And to be completely honest, he was kind of boring and tame. Alison wanted someone who liked to go out do things, be spontaneous. She just didn't feel that with Peter.

"Ok?! So you're going solo while we're out and be the third wheel when we hang out with Aiden?" Aiden is Hanna's boyfriend and had been for one year. Hanna tried and wanted so bad for Alison to have someone since her familie lived eight hours away. "It's okay, I don't mind being the 'third wheel'. Besides I like things the way they are. I mean if someone by a miracle should come in to my life in a romantic way I wouldn't shrug it of. I just don't need to rush anything right now". Alison tried to not sound ungrateful because she wasn't, but sometimes it could be a little too much.

Once they got their coffee and breakfast they start to walk to their first and only class they had together. Talking about the upcoming party for the weekend and if they wanted to stay home or maby go too watch a movie instead, because the party's they had gone to always ended up with cops and everyone had to leave. In the hallway everyone was rushing to their classes as the bell rang.

After math class Alison had only three classes left and decided that she would treat her self a shopping day alone. She came home to her apartment exhausted and tired. The little apartment she had gotten as a gift from her parents when she graduated was a blessing on days like these . No one to share the living room with or the bathroom. Placing the bag with food on the kitchen table and the two others in her room.
While making her dinner she heard someone outside the door. The person sounded like their were stressing so she went to check. Peeking out the hole frome the door she could see a tall brunette. She was cursing under her breath and struggling with her suitcases and some plants. Alison opens the door.

"Hey. Do you need any help?". She wants to laugh but holds it in. The brunette turns around and meets her ocean blue eyes. "Uum.. Actually yes. I didn't think this would be so hard to get inside". She said whilst unlocking the door. "Ok let me take these plants and this suitcase for you then" Alison picks them up and wait's for the girl to walk in. Getting everything in was alot more easy when they were two. While she was putting everything down she looked around, this was almost identical to her own apartment. Turning around to the girl who had a smile as big as can be and her hand stuck out. "I'm Emily by the way. Thank you so much for the help. It would have been a disaster if you hadn't helped me". Her smile had grown bigger. "Alison. I live next door. But I guess you.. Oh don't think about it. It was my pleasure. But I really wanted to laugh when I saw you at first. " Alison smile growing bigger too. She felt like she's just gotten a new friend. "Yeah I could see a smirk creeping in when you came out" Emily laughed. "So, would you come over for some food. I mean you haven't settled in yet and I'm making dinner so. I'm mean.. Not to be creepy or anything. " Alison felt her cheeks was warm and got a little flustered. "Oh I was thinking of asking you to grab some dinner since you helped me. I kind of owe you now." Emily smiles warmly hoping she didn't take it the wrong way.
By all means Alison was an attractive girl, but she wasn't sure if she was gay or mabye even bisexual. And Emily just came out of the closet a couple of months ago.
"Don't be silly. It's almost done. You can by me a coffee or dinner any day of the week . " Alison said trying not to sound like she was flirting. Both smiling and content with the work they had done made their way over to Alison's place.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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I can't make you love me if you don't.  EmisonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ