Chapter 2*

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Getting off the train was pretty chaotic. It was like packing sardines into a smaller can. (A/N I hate Sardines) Eventually I got to the petting zoo, but It was crowded too. So I waited in line for the feeding station. Don't judge me we all have to feed or childish needs. No pun intended. Who am I kidding that wasn't even funny.

Once I finally stopped talking to myself it was my turn to feed the baby dinosaurs. Bending down I picked up the ground leaves and stretched my arms to reach out and give the baby its snack. Licking it up off my hand it snuggled its little head into my slobber-covered hand. In response I giggled and started petting it. Only to here a camera click and someone tug on my shirt. I turn around to see a boy run off and a small girl in front of me.

"Excuse me ma'am but do you mind picking me up so I can reach?" the girl said in a pleading manner.

Giving the girl a small smile I replied with a sure and started to lift her out. Once she finally got to feed the dinosaur she asked to be let down. Which I did. With a thanks the girl ran off to another part of the zoo.


Having been friends with the trainer for the mosasaurus I have seen the show many times. Knowing what was going to happen as she jumped out of the water, I decided I would take my leaving. I didn't really feel like having dirty mosasaurus water all over me.

Looking over the map I was given I looked for a feature I haven't been on before. The Gyrosphere. I always meant to go on it but then I started working and never got the chance. So getting up off the bench I was sitting on I headed to the hamster balls.

Getting back on the monorail, I chose a seat in the middle of the cart near a window. Sitting my bag in the seat next to me, I leaned up against the window and put one of my headphones in.

When the train was about to leave I looked up to see how many people still had to be seated. Upon doing so I locked eyes with a guy. Letting out a small gasp I got lost in his chestnut colored eyes. Realizing we were staring at each other I decided it would be best to look way. When he walked past I saw he was still staring at me. The worst part is he and the kid with the camera sat right behind me.

Letting out a sigh I leaned my head against the window and looked at the passing trees. Getting bored With my music I took out my headphones and put them back in my bag. Not meaning to eavesdrop I heard the conversation behind me.

"Are mom and dad getting a divorce?" asked the kid. He was crying. The Older one finally stop flirting with the girls behind him and looked at the kid. "What? Mom and dad aren't getting a divorce. You haven't been around that long. They have always been like that." He said not really helping out the situation.

"They are getting mail from two different lawyers." The kid looked down. "So." "I googled they are divorce lawyers." At this point the kid was a sniffling mess.

"So what. All of my friends parents are divorced and i'll be gone in two years. On the bright side you get two of everything. Two thanksgivings and two birthdays." Given the conversation the older brother said matter of factly.

" I don't want two of everything" The kid started to started to cry again.

"What are you going to cry. Well stop it. Its not up to you. There is a point when you have to grow up." Th older brother said rudely.

Not wanting to get pulled into the situation I just simply closed my eyes for a minute mentally cursing the guy for talking to his little brother like that. Once calming down I reopened my eyes and looked at the cars zooming down the path. Seeing as we live on a island practically made of dinosaurs. I dismissed it as a group walking out of there zone, again.

A/N Sorry my chapters are so short. It is a story about a movie after all. I should post friday maybe tomorrow if I have time! So again Im sorry for mistakes this is my first afterall.

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