101~ His Wild Entry

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Ardhansh's POV

I stared at her sleeping face and sighed, looking at the bruises that still hadn't healed.

I still wonder, why would he have done this to my sister? What the fuck did he get in return? Nothing.

I really wish I could have a conversation with him to understand his mentality, but I haven't even seen his face once.

And knowing my niece is with him complicates everything. What if he hurt her?

I don't want that innocent soul to suffer in this mess. Not at all. I can see my son suffering because of me, and I don't wish to witness the same for her.

At this moment, I don't want to hurt anyone for my selfish motives—not my wife, my son, or my sister.

I want all of them to be safe and secure, without a single scratch on their bodies.

I glanced at the clock and noticed it was nearly 6:30 AM. I sighed, having left my parents' home last night.

That place suffocates me. It's better to leave the things that suffocate you to death rather than live a life that doesn't have any meaning.

"Like you aren't suffocating her to be with you," my mind mocked, and I felt at a loss for words.

It feels so out of this world to let her go. It would be a worse punishment for me than death.

I dialed Akhil's phone number, and he picked up on the first ring. "Did you find out?" I immediately asked, not having the patience to wait.

"Yes, sir, they have a daughter..." he answered. I closed my eyes, still processing what to say next.

"Sir..." his voice reached my ear, and I patiently waited for him to continue.

"Sir, actually...Adhiraj Sir sealed all financial accounts of the company, except your personal ones."

My brows furrowed as my father's words echoed in my head that he will destroy her. I knew he was up to something, but what?

That man is forcing me to forget that he is my fucking so-called father, who unfortunately brought me into this world.

"Anything further?" I asked, hearing him take a deep breath before he spoke again.

"Employees are ordered not to follow your orders, including me Sir, and—

A chuckle escaped my lips. My father thinks I’m showing attitude because of my position and on the shoulder of my employees. What a childish thought.

"He filed a case against the Trivedi's for fraud and manipulating the Singhaniya's to invest in their projects. The hearing was yesterday, and Adhiraj Sir won the case with no opposition. He’s putting Trivedi House up for auction. It's at 7 PM."


"Why the fuck didn't you inform me?" I asked, grabbing my car keys and rushing out of the room.

"I tried to call you, sir, but you didn't pick up. Then Adhiraj Sir kept me busy handling his work, not giving me a second chance to inform you."

I cursed, getting into the car, and ordered him to come to the Trivedi House with any trusted men.

I drove hastily and tried to dial her number, but she didn't pick up. I wondered why she was showing this attitude towards me.

Why the fuck can't she cooperate for once? For her own sake of selfishness.

I reached there at exactly 7 PM and moved towards the villa, seeing the excited elites ready with their money.

The grand ballroom of the Trivedi House was buzzing with excitement as the auction was about to begin. I clenched my jaw, seeing my father sitting in the front row, conversing with his lawyer. My gaze drifted across the room and landed on her mother, who was crying on Yashika's shoulder. Just a few meters away, she sat on the stairs with Aeh on her lap.

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