12 x do not stop (!)

47 3 9

‼️ warning. smut is a whole chapter.

with that, she pulled my shirt over my head and discarded it to the side. her hands roamed my bare skin, tracing the lines of my body with a delicate, yet possessive touch. her lips found mine again, and we kissed with an urgency that made my head spin.

i walked her backwards until the backs of her knees hit the edge of the bed, causing her to sit down. i stood in front of her, my gaze intense and filled with an adoration.

she took hold of the edges of her t-shirt and pulled them towards me: "will you help me take it off?" – she said silently teasing me and bit her bottom lip.

i grinned and without breaking eye contact with her, i took off her tee, leaving only her bra. i sat on her lap.
but wanting to see more, i unbuttoned her bra and took it off and threw it aside.

i reached out, my fingers brushing against her skin, marveling at the softness. she shivered at my touch with a satisfied smile on her lips. then she leaned down, her hands on either side of my head, and kissed me again. this time, the kiss was slower, more exploratory, as if we had all the time in the world.

billie's hands moved to the clasp of my bra, and with a deft flick, she unhooked it, sliding the straps down my arms. i pushed her onto the bed so that i on top of her, my body covering her. my hands moving to cup her breasts, my thumbs brushing over her nipples. she gasped at the sensation.

but she interrupted me: "uh-uh, it was MY surprise, not yours so i wanna be on top, baby" and she turned me so that I was lying on my back.

"god, you're perfect" – she murmured against my skin before trailing kisses down my neck, across my collarbone, and to my breasts. her mouth found my nipple, sucking gently, her tongue were swirling around. i moaned, the sound escaping my lips before i could stop it, my body arching into her touch.

billie's hands slowly went lower, unbuttoning my jorts and sliding them down my legs. she pulled a little on the waistband of my panties, lifting it away from my body, she looked up at me, her eyes seeking permission.

i nodded, my breath hitching in my throat. she hooked her fingers into the sides of my panties and slowly pulled them down, her eyes never leaving mine. the cool air of the room hit my heated skin, and i shivered, but billie's touch was warm and grounding.

her hands and mouth working in tandem to drive me wild. i could feel the heat of her skin against mine, the weight of her body pressing me down, anchoring me to the moment. she pressed her lips to mine. the kiss deep and consuming, her tongue was exploring my mouth.

her hand moved between my legs, her fingers sliding through my slick folds: "baby, you're so wet" – she whispered in my lips.

finding my clit and rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles. my hips bucked against her hand, seeking more of the exquisite pleasure she was giving me. billie's touch was skilled and relentless.

"please", i gasped, my voice barely more than a whisper. "i need you inside me"

billie smiled, a look of pure craving and affection in her eyes. "anything for you" – she murmured before slipping a finger inside me, then another, her movements slow and teasing. i moaned, my body arching off the bed as she began to thrust her fingers in and out, her thumb continuing to touching my clit.

the sensation was overwhelming, a perfect blend of pleasure and intimacy. billie's lips were on my neck, her breath hot against my skin, her movements growing more insistent as she felt me tighten around her fingers.

"i'm close" – i gasped, my fingers gripped her back, my body trembling with the impending release.

"cum for me" billie whispered, her voice low and commanding "i want to feel you."

i let out a loud moan and ran my nails down her back. i catched my breath, giggled and said: "is your surprise over yet? cause i wanna fuck you too"

she smirked: "okay it's your turn, show me what you got"

i smirked back at her, rolling her onto her back. "gladly" – i whispered and started kissing her neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses. "can I leave a couple of hickeys on you?"

"yeah", her breath hitched as i continued lower, my hands caressing her sides.

when i reached her breasts, i took my time kissing and licking around. she moaned, her fingers tangling in my hair as i gave the other breast the same attention.

i kissed my way down her stomach, my tongue tracing little patterns that made her squirm. when i reached her shorts, i slowly pulled them down, my eyes locked with hers. she lifted her hips to help me, and i discarded the shorts to the side, leaving her in just her panties.

i could see the damp spot on her panties, and it sent a thrill through me. i kissed along the waistband, teasing her, before finally sliding them down her legs.

i breathed, positioning myself between her legs. i started with soft kisses along her inner thighs, making my way slowly to her center. she was already so wet, and i could feel her urge growing with each kiss.

"please," she whispered, her voice trembling with need. "don't tease me"

i smiled, giving her one last kiss on her thigh before finally letting my tongue flick across her clit. she gasped, her hips lifting off the bed at the touch. i held her hips down, wanting to take my time and savor every moment.

i licked and sucked her clit, my tongue moving in slow, deliberate circles. she moaned, her hands gripping the sheets as i worked her with my mouth. i slipped a finger inside her, curling it to find that perfect spot.

"oh, god," she moaned, her body arching into my touch. "right there, don't stop."

i added another finger, thrusting them in and out while my tongue was continuing. her moans grew louder, her breaths coming in short gasps as she got closer to the edge.

"yes, baby, just like that," she panted, her voice filled with desperate pleasure.

i knew she was close. i sped up.

she gasped, her body trembling "don't stop, please"

with a loud moan, she came, her body shaking. finally, i slowed down, giving her a few gentle kisses as she came down from her high. i crawled back up her body, kissing her deeply. she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me close.

"that was incredible," she murmured against my lips, her voice breathless and satisfied.i smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "i aim to please."

she kissed me softly, her touch gentle and loving, a stark contrast to the fierce passion of just moments before. "you're amazing" – she whispered against my lips.

i smiled, my heart swelling with affection and desire. "so are you"

"i've wanted this for so long," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion.

"me too," i replied, my hand resting on her chest, feeling the steady beat of her heart. "and now that we have it, i don't ever want to let it go."

⊹ —— ☆ •° ♡ °• ☆ —— ⊹

// i have read it before publishing like hundreds of times. please give me a feedback. х

eat me hard and soft (gxg) billie eilish x readerWhere stories live. Discover now