Mornings with Hyunjin

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Sign language is in Italics and bold

I wake up in a chilly room with the sun barely peeking in from the window. I feel a kiss on my shoulder so I turn around and see my boyfriend of 1 year, propped up on his shoulder, looking at me with a soft look in his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful," He signs to me while leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek like he does every morning.

"Good morning Jinny. Why are you up so early? The sun is barely out so why should we be up. I could be finishing up my dream that you rudely interrupted." I sign back to him, while rolling over to curl into him due to the cold air making me shiver.

"Well beautiful it is currently 9:17 in the morning so it's a good time to wake up." He says to me while reaching over me to my night stand to give me my cochlear implant to put on.

It took me a minute to read his lips to see what he said as he didn't sign it. And then I grabbed the implant out of his hand and installed it on the side of my head.

"Thank you handsome. So what if it's mid morning? One thing about oppa and I is that we both love our sleep and we hate to be interrupted." I tell him while getting up and moving to the bathroom.

"But if I let you, you would sleep all day and I would have no one to cuddle or give kisses to." He replied cutely to me.

"Can we at least cuddle in bed so that way I can go back to sleep? I was up late last night finishing up some touches on a song." I said tiredly to him while rubbing my eyes.

He looked at me for a moment then he smiled and grabbed my waist, then tucked me into his side. I could smell his woodsy scent from his shirt and he was radiating warmth which made me curl even closer to him. I was almost back asleep when he started to respond to my question.

"I suppose we can lay in bed for a little longer. But we have to meet your Oppa at noon so you can introduce me to him." He quietly told me while running his hand through my hair making me even more sleepy.

"I'm sure everything will go well with meeting him, I don't know if the other 6 will be there but knowing the boys, and how protective they are over me I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't there." I told him while scooting even closer to him even though I'm sure I can't get any closer.

After about 20 minutes, Hyunjin falls back asleep laying his head on my shoulder. Even though I'm sleepy, my mind decided to wake up so now I can't go back to sleep but I wouldn't trade this morning for anything.

I started to run my hand through his short black hair an hour later, trying to coax him back awake so we can have breakfast and get ready for the day.

"Wake up sleepyhead, time to get the day started. It's 10:30 now, time to get up." I quietly woke him up. After a few minutes he starts to move around and finally lets me get up so I can go to the bathroom and get ready.

I get up and go into the bathroom to take a quick shower, and do my skincare. After all that is done, I put my hair in a double french braid and then I throw my clothes on which consists of a large blue sweater, a pair of black leggings, and when we get ready to leave I'll put on my black slip-on vans.

As I am walking out of the bathroom, I turn slightly red when I see a topless Hyunjin getting up and moving around trying to find a shirt that would go with his pants. I go up behind him and gently move him to the side to look in his clothes, looking for the shirt that I had in mind.

"Here you go Jinny, I think the white long sleeve with a blue flower will go great with the light blue jeans that you have on." I tell him while kissing his cheek. He turns slightly red at the show of affection but throws the shirt on real quick.

"Sometimes I wonder why you never became a stylist, you always pick such good clothes out. You can still trade your career in to be a stylist." He jokingly tells me, even though he knows I love making and producing music just like my Oppa.

I turn around after grabbing my phone off of the night stand, only to bump into him standing right behind me.

"Need something Jinny." I ask him, he doesn't respond back, just looks at me before grabbing my face and giving me a kiss on my lips. After kissing me for a minute he pulls back and gives me another kiss this time on my forehead. I stare at him with slightly red cheeks.

"What was that all about? You know how I am with affection." I shyly ask him while looking towards the floor. My shyness started to kick in from the sudden kiss.

"I've been wanting to do that all morning. And no need to be shy. It's not like we haven't kissed before, we have done a lot more than just kissing." He teasingly tells me while rubbing my cheek with his thumb. That comment made my entire face turn red, and I jerked my head away and started to head to the door to go get something to eat.

He follows me to the door, and being the gentleman that he is, he opens it before I could get to it to let me out first.

I mumble a quick "Thank you", then I rush to the kitchen so my face will hopefully cool down. He just laughs quietly at the reaction that I gave him and then follows me out.

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